
(Since 2008.11.30)

Active learning

2012-05-03 06:59:04 | 英語

When people learn a foreign language, they go to school or take private lessons. Some people learn it by themselves. These people are learning the language relatively passively. The passive learning was well established method and no failure. In that method, student learn the grammar, repeat after teacher, listen to the CD’s but I think that is sometimes boring and not effective. 

I am learning 3 languages right now. These are English, Chinese and Korean. I would like to take relatively active way to do. I write some sentences in foreign language freely and speak in the language with no restrains. Of course if you take this method too much, your target language become broken-language. So you must be very careful not to get in the trouble, but I still feel that this method is exiting and effective to get a certain skill to write and speak. 

In the next article, I would like to write in Chinese in the way in which I use elementary Chinese only, if possible, without referring to dictionaries.  

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