
(Since 2008.11.30)

Is Beijing beautiful in autumn?

2012-05-19 08:26:36 | 英語

I am going to quit job in this August. 60 is the retirement age for the employee in this company. Time flies like an arrow. How many times I told myself “If I am free after retirement, I would like to go abroad to learn foreign languages.” How many times I encouraged myself “If I am free, I would like to go to Beijing to learn Chinese to my heart content.” Now is the time that I do what I even dreamed when I was working for 38 years. 

I have a plenty of time now. I am rich in terms of time to study languages, linguistics, and anthropology and I can enjoy drawing oil paintings. It’s a kind of paradise for me. I am the King in this paradise until the reality shock me wake up. Until then I would like to enjoy them.

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