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海岸通りナジュサロンタビル1階『龍昇池』 Episode 7 Radio Game

2011-07-11 21:55:38 | 自分で作る中国語会話文

In 1942 our code was already broken by the United States. The Japanese Imperial Navy lost 4 carriers and well trained pilots in the Midway Operation. Of course they knew our operation beforehand. We were trapped. 

In 1943 they caught an itinerary of a general of Japanese Navy and ambushed him. His name was Isoroku Yamamoto. They enjoyed man hunting.



In military operation, we must handle our information very carefully. Otherwise we lose the game. Information is the vital factor to win the game. In espionage, a certain government still sends their message by the short wave radio signals. They send the 8 digits numbers so that their agents can receive and decode them by using a radio and specified books. 





龙龙:“哎,你说过你不喜欢你们国家,所以才出国的,不是吗? 你很讨厌你们国家。那为什么还这么介意别人对它的评价? 美国和日本批判你们国家、这和你又没有关系。 比如说,如果我和女朋友分手了的话、那我们以后一定不会再有联系了。道理是一样的。 所以,你和你们国家也没有关系了。不是吗?别介意过去了,你应该活在新生活里。”


妙妙:“小安、你说什么呢。别说了! 对不起、龙龙。小安今天好像心情不太好。唉、对了。我最近发现了个很好吃的茶餐厅,是香港人开的。咱们一起去吃小笼包吧。那个茶餐厅很受年轻人的欢迎。听说人在饿的时候、脾气不太好。咱们快去吃小笼包吧!”








“哈哈哈” (三个人)




“哈哈哈” (三个人)



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海岸通りナジュサロンタビル1階『龍昇池』 Episode 6 Exodus

2011-07-10 14:30:31 | 自分で作る中国語会話文


There are some people who can not adapt themselves to their society. These people are apt to be outsiders of the society. The characters of these outsiders are much like each others. The senses of responsibility and right are a little bit different from the other ordinary people's. I think the senses of value of them are special. They tend to urge their right against to common sense of the community, society, country and even their family. So they are classified to the black sheep. Are they foolish? No, they aren’t. They are sometimes eminent, able, talented and gifted people. What on earth make them to be out of truck? They are driven by the passions to accomplish their dreams. These passions and dreams make them go beyond the border of common sense. And there are some other type of the similar peoples who were discriminated by some reason in the society and they became to be members of syndicates or criminals. These two types of the off-specification men are, I think, 0.3% of our population. Some of the former become a brilliant scientist, entrepreneur, philosopher, and statesman. Some of the latter become a member of a syndicate, con and other persona non grata. Probably I belong to the latter. I am not a gentleman.


There is a big river between China and North Korea. It is Tumen River. At one time the river worked as the moat for foreign enemies, but it is working as a wall of a jail now. North Korea looks like Auschwitz in 1944. Descendants of Moses could see the Polish happy life on a land flowing with milk and honey beyond the wire fence, and starving North Koreans can see the Chinese affluent life on the otherside of the river.


In winter the river is frozen over so they can walk on the ice. Over 2000 North Koreans came across the Tumen River every year. They cross the river at their life risk, some are arrested to be sent to the notorious concentration camps and some are shot at sight. Chances are slim. Lucky one can reach Yanji where their relatives harbor them for a while. But Yanji is not a safe place for the refugees because watchdog systems of the secret police of North Korea are organized there. Some of them are going to South Korea as refugees eventualy, some of them are going to another country in camouflaged status for some secret mission .



妙妙:哎,龙龙。 你去哪儿?”

龙龙:“噢,小谷。 你早。我刚买完菜回来。 老师说得果然不错,中国人每天早上都在外边儿吃早饭。 有的人喝粥,有的人吃油条,喝豆浆。

妙妙:你的老师说得很对,是这样的。你尝尝这儿的粥,很好吃。 啊,对了,我给你介绍一下儿我朋友。 这是我的朋友安在海。 这是我的学生田中龙一。”


龙龙:“我也很高兴。 请多多关照。”

在海:妙妙说你是日本人。 对吧?”






在海:很好啊。 你现在做什么工作?”

龙龙:“我现在没有工作。 我现在旅游呢。 你呢?”

在海:我也没有工作。 但是我有的时候在饭馆帮妙妙的忙,比如说,买东西啦,包饺子啦等等。 有的时候我也当保镖。”


妙妙:真的。 他的跆拳道非常好。”


龙龙:“我的爱好是玩电脑和学外语。 你呢?”





Theme song for this episode. Right crick and enjoy as the background music.


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海岸通りナジュサロンタビル1階『龍昇池』 Episode 5 Under a palm tree

2011-07-08 06:01:04 | 自分で作る中国語会話文

I have to continue to tell you the story of the silver nuggets.

He (the teacher) got the silver nuggets successfully and made his men carry 20kg silver nuggets every soldiers. They were bound to Singapore by forced marches. When they were marching in the mountainous area, American large formation which were drugging gliders flied over to them. Soon after the Japanese soldiers recognized them, the formation dropped skytroopers over the Japanese platoon without knowing their enemies were marching below. The platoon got into a flurry. The second lieutenant (our teacher) ordered his men to hide their silver nuggets in a hole near by beside a big tree because it’s too heavy to carry to avoid a combat with the skytroopers. Then they could run away from the combat zone to Singapore. Everybody knows skytroopers are elite troops. The second lieutenant reported that the platoon got the silver nuggets successfully and hid and kept them safely for a while. (A clever guy !)  The present value of the silver nuggets (totally 400kg) is about 32million yen, so it’s not enough to risk their lives. Of course he handed in the detail map showing where the hole was. Where is the map now?  I wonder......。 Do you think the teacher forget where it was?




Sometimes we need a fundamental skill of communication with local people. Let’s say a Russian comes to Japan for sightseeing, he goes to Asakusa, Akihabara and Roppongi. If he knows 50 basic Japanese words and phrases and he communicates with local people by these words and friendly smile, he will be welcomed by Japanese people I think. Life is full of these kinds of keys to open doors. If you have a chance to get to the place where they speak the language that you don’t know, you can cast your magic spell to communicate with local people there by using only 50 words and phrases.  I bet you!  But never forget your smile. Good luck!








Selamat pagi.你早。
Selamat tengahari.你好。
Selamat petang.你好。(两点钟左右)
Selamat malam.晚上好。
Jumpa lagi.再见。
Terima kasih.谢谢你。
Maafkan saya.对不起。
Di mana ?在哪里?
Berapa harganya?多少钱?
Mahal sangat.太贵了。
Kurangkan sedikitlah.:能不能稍微打点儿折扣?













My Beretta and the song for the "Tiger"

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海岸通りナジュサロンタビル1階『龍昇池』 Episode 4 Once upon a time

2011-07-06 22:04:36 | 自分で作る中国語会話文

Every person has their secret stories but many people died without saying anything about them. They are going to tell you their background stories tonight. 


It was when I was forty years old, I felt my life was barren and meaningless. I was confident in my ability and potentials. But the company didn’t give me any opportunity to prove them. I was almost dried out for thirsty of appropriate job which I would like to do desperately.


One year later I was in the mountainous area in Malaysia, searching for the silver nugget which was abandoned by my high school teacher who had been working for Japanese Army until 1945. The teacher was graduated from Osaka Foreign Language University and  became our English teacher after WWⅡ.During the war he was working as an interpreter for the division commander. One day he got the order that he led 20 soldiers for his secret mission, in the task his language skill was needed. The division needed money desperately for purchasing food and other necessary commodity in the city (Singapore) where they stationed. Of course they could rob them of food and commodity against the resistance of local residents. But they wanted to do it without any trouble, so they needed money. He (the teacher) was ordered to get silver nugget from a Chinese merchant who had a big business syndicate in Malaysia. He didn’t tell us the whole story in detail but I think your imagination is correct, they probably rob him of silver nugget. Army invaded the foreign country, the land was occupied by them. In such occasion, you can’t expect amicable donations of local people for their foes if not transaction 

“小谷在吗? 我是她朋友田中。”



Theme song for this episode. Right crick and enjoy as the background music.

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海岸通りナジュサロンタビル1階『龍昇池』 Episode 3 In Sam’s bar

2011-07-06 05:42:53 | 自分で作る中国語会話文

The story is being written in present tense but the tales were fifteen years ago. The story was not ended and it is still going on. All the characters are still alive except  him. The story is developing very pleasantly in the restaurant and is being whispered in Sam’s bar in a small voice because some topics should not be spoken publicly. People, sometimes, speak honestly when they drink. Let’s listen to their secret talk.

“哟, 你来了。”
“噢, 陈老师”

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海岸通りナジュサロンタビル1階『龍昇池』 Episode 2 In the restaurant

2011-07-05 22:23:15 | 自分で作る中国語会話文

Going north along the sunset street, you never miss the “Dragon Rising Pond” restaurant. Almost of all hotels and restaurants are run by Chinese in this area, but this restaurant seems to be run by Malay. There is a small yacht harbor besides the building, you can enjoy sunset cruse and fishing here. And if you would like to stay in a luxury hotel, you can do it. If you have one million dollars in your pocket, everywhere is paradise. We are living in money-talking countries, you know. This, sometimes, makes me want to throw up.  Forget it. It’s a bad loser’s remarks.



Each country has each smell as a part of their character. Taipei had bajiao smell 30 years ago. Singapore had the smell of ocean. How about the smell of MakanJalan ?   Is it hibiscus's or money's ?



『有 没有太阳的座位吗?』
『我叫谷妙子。(Gu miaozi)』









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海岸通りナジュサロンタビル1階『龍昇池』  Episode 1 First Contact

2011-07-03 13:17:57 | 自分で作る中国語会話文


It takes about two hours to get to the town if you go up from Kuala Lumpur along the west coast of Malaysia. The population of this small town is about 7000.


There are a few resort hotels in this town, but I don’t stay there because I am a backpacker.

Malaysia has many Chinese origin nations. Especially in the west coast there are so many immigrants from China and their descendant. They were flooded out from their native country and some people were searching for new life here in stead of barren lives in their mother country. The story begins in this small town “MakanJalan”.

『请问,这附近有没有味道好的餐厅? 我很想尝尝本地的风味。最好是便宜一点儿又比较安静的餐厅。』



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