うまものがたり(Horse Stories et al)



2018-02-27 14:19:16 | etc



スタウト(stout)は強い 丈夫な などの意味があります。

In the middle of the night on March 1st, a spring storm hit our area.
The strong wind and heavy rain went on for more than six hours. It lasted until 9 o'clock in the morning.
Now, the sun is out.
Because of the bad weather I didn't go to Charle. I sent an e mail to Charle's teacher and I asked him to let Charle move around.

Last Monday I met a friend. We dipped into an Onsen (hot spring).
There are various kinds of bath there.
For example: sauna bath bubble bath, rock bed bath and so on.
You lie down on the little inclined rock bed bath. The warm water is running all the time to make your back warm.
It is located outside so you can see the sky while you take a bath.

Last Tuesday as I was leaving Charle, I saw 2 cars and several men around. The cars were parked at the favorite place where Charle and I often stay.
There were photo sessions held.
One car was a 60 year old Toyopet Stout and the other one was the newest model of the same brand.
Both of them were shiny on a spring day.
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2 コメント

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Unknown (I want)
2018-03-08 12:23:18
to soak in Onsen, too!
Japan is (シャル君)
2018-03-09 05:16:25
a volcanic country.
Therefor we can enjoy Onsen.

