うまものがたり(Horse Stories et al)



2024-02-27 14:38:33 | シャル君



Sharu-kun has recovered well, but still refrains from being ridden and engages in horse training exercises.

Afterward, he is allowed to graze. He doesn't want to stray far from Lee-chan, who recently arrived from Hokkaido.

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2024-02-24 18:11:04 | シャル君


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2024-02-23 19:04:44 | シャル君




"The horseback ritual, which has been held for 700 years, is said to be taking place again this year. I would like to know the meaning behind it, especially considering the possible animal cruelty. I find it hard to believe that it reveals any auspicious signs for crops. 

 from  Asahi news paper item

Improvement Measures for "Age Uma Shinji" Horse-Riding Ritual

In response to concerns of potential animal cruelty during the "Age Uma Shinji" horse-riding ritual, held annually in May at the Tado Taisha Shrine in Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture, recognized as a prefectural intangible folk cultural asset, the Tado Taisha Shrine and the representatives' assembly, composed of shrine parishioners, announced on the 22nd that they have implemented measures to alleviate the burden on horses. The event is scheduled to take place on May 4th and 5th this year.

During the ritual, young riders guide horses up a steep slope, attempting to overcome a roughly 2-meter-high earthen wall, symbolizing the prediction of a prosperous harvest.

The proposed improvements include the removal of the earthen wall, making the slope less steep, and enhancing the soil to minimize stress on the horses' legs. Additionally, precautions will be taken, such as having a veterinarian and horse-drawn carts on standby in case of accidents.

In response to recommendations from experts, the use of bamboo whips will be modified for equestrian purposes only, and they will be used solely as signals to communicate with the horses, eliminating any punitive application.

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2024-02-19 10:50:58 | シャル君








Around 7 o'clock in the morning, when I called out, "Sharu-kun!" with a loud voice, he responded with a slightly smaller but enthusiastic "Buhiin."

Upon taking a closer look, he had a cheerful expression. Perhaps he is on the road to recovery.

Due to dietary restrictions, he may be hungry, or it could be a request for snacks. His movements have become more lively.

I provided him with a half-filled basin of water mixed with Pocari and six small pieces of radish.

I will gradually return him to a normal diet while monitoring his condition.


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2024-02-18 19:01:47 | シャル君




On Sunday morning, I received a message that Sharu experienced colic, and I hurriedly went to his side. When I arrived, he was standing but had a weak and pained expression.

After a veterinary examination and two hours of intravenous drip, he has regained some energy. It would be ideal if he continues to improve from this point onward.

However, if that's not the case, the vet will be coming again tomorrow for further examination.

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