Ouch! Ball hit Polar Bear "Lila"痛っ!頭ふ?つけたリラ
Polar Bear is playing リラアタック!ほか遊ひ?方いろいろ
Polar Bear's shower time 隣のシャワータイムか?気になるリラ ホッキョクグマ
Milk does not care about what her mother Kurumi is doing, at Oga Aquarium, Japan
Milk feels a little bit bored with playing herself, at Oga Aquarium, Japan
Milk is independently bent on playing with toys, at Oga Aquarium, Japan
Kurumi does not need Milk for plays in the water(2), at Oga Aquarium, Akita Pref , Japan
Kurumi and Milk play together in the water at Oga Aquarium, Akita Pref Japan
Kurumi and Milk are playing in the water at Oga Aquarium, Japan