今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月17日

2024-04-18 | Weblog

English Class開講予定。現在参加者を募っていますが、レッスンは場合によってはカフェとかでやってもいいと思っています。参加は無料です。



Mass boxing competition at Lucky Star will be held on the 21st, and one female and two male from MOB will participate, especially trainer Akizuki, who is preparing for the national tournament, and I hope he will do his best. Recently, MOB has been doing mass boxing as practical training since we have many female and middle-aged guy. Mass boxing is non-contact, it is safe, interesting, and hard exercise, and most members do it because it as it is possible to have various combinations, such as women vs. old guy, old guy vs. young, etc.

I recently have been reading something like a medical handbook and I believe education and medical knowledge is necessary to run a gym safely and equitably. Sparring children, unreasonable weight loss, these are obviously dangerous from a medical point of view, and MOB prohibits what it deems dangerous. It is really reassuring to have someone who can consult and give us advice such as Ring Dr and Mental Dr.

English Class is scheduled to start. We are currently looking for participants, but we plan to hold lessons at cafes depending on the situation. Participation is free. 

We basically use Japanese in the gym, but other foreign languages can be used depending on the situation. I think it is a good environment for those who want to learn Japanese.

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