今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 2日

2024-04-03 | Weblog

私がよく参考文献であげる「What life could mean to you」たぶんアドラーの何とかと言う本はこの論文を参考にしていると思われるが、画像はその訳本「人間の意味」ここ最近アドラー心理学について書かれた本が多くなってきているが、しかし何か自己啓発的な感じでこのみではない。訳本は英語から直接訳したものだと思われるが、熟読するとかなりためになるので是非読んでいただきたい。

MOB has many middle-aged members, but young members are also training hard. Today, trainer Akiyama taught many members from noon. The trainer's mitt instruction was so pleased, and members say it is fun and gives them a good workout, allowing them to push themselves to the limit.

I often refer to "What life could mean to you" in my references, and I think some book concerning about Adler's book is probably based on this paper. The image is a translation of the book "What life could mean to you" . The book is helpful to you, you must read it.

"Something I noticed recently."
I often hear people say that I don't understand what they are saying or I can't follow what they are saying because he or she is so high level. These people have high IQs or are very smart, but sometimes the reason we cannot understand them when they are speaking normally is because they talk looking two steps ahead. I think that's why we don't know what they are talking about and can't follow what they are saying. I believe really smart people don't get hung up on the problems that are just there, they are always trying to come up with new ideas, so they look ahead and think about this and that. I think it is one of their characteristics that they are always going off on tangents. On the other hand, what I consider stupid are people who take everything in the first person, and whatever they say is based on me, and they may think they are speaking with the confidence, but they have not learned enough, have hardly read any books, and do not understand the general theory. That's why they always based on I am.


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