今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 8月6日

2024-08-07 | Weblog
A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing 8月6日





昔LAの高級ホテルに泊まった時、チェックインの時、フロントで「We offer a complimentary breakfast」と言われました。一瞬何のことと思いましたが「ああ無料の朝食がつくのね」と理解しましたが、「complimentary」は無料と意味、 外国旅行に行く時、チープなホテルに泊まる私は、いつもと違う形式的な言葉にためらってしまったと言う話です。ユニークなボクシングクラブHPhttps://oliveclub.wixsite.com/my-site

"Being able to mass boxing is peaceful."
It is getting so hot day. The air conditioning is running in the gym, but please be careful of heat stroke. Please drink water frequently. We have salt candy, so please feel free to take one.  We often have a Mass boxing in our club. Mass boxing is a non-contact and practical training, and since there is no risk of injury, old guys and female members actively participate in it. However, We don't have mass boxing in Hawaii, and I think it probably could not be worked as a training or competition. It is so difficult to do without contact. We won't use technique for non contact. I think that mass boxing is a sport that is possible only because the Japanese are peaceful and follow the rules.

"The number of female members are increasing"
The number of female members are increasing. Boxing is one of the hard sport for women. Whether they can continue or not is a matter of environment and atmosphere we make, so we appreciate your cooperation. Thanks to all of you, middle-aged women are able to train without hesitation.

"Summer vacation"
The gym is open during the obon season.  Please note that summer vacation is scheduled for Monday, July 29 and August 26-28 (Monday - Wednesday) , closed on Sundays and holidays as usual.

A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing 

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