今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 2月 2日

2021-02-03 | Weblog


ラテン語の格言にAd nocendum potentes sumus(我々は危害を加える力を持っている)とボクシングは暴力を扱っているスポーツです、教え方やジムの雰囲気次第で時にはその力が暴力になりうることもあります。ジムは公共の場そして特にうちのクラブは女性が多く、一般の社会人が集まっています。そういう環境において基本的には弱い立場の人間の目線に立つのが公平で平和にジムを運営することだと考えています。

We prohibit the violence in policy of our club so that everyone can train peacefully in the gym.
Regular members are gradually coming. It's a stressful day with the pandemic restricting our activities. In spite of such a situation They are having fun and relieving their stress.
Fuku-chan's gundan is well. I call them Gym clown, they always crack people around them up. they are not only good for comedy, they also teach beginners and female.
We have double aspects between comedy and athlete.

We eradicate the violence in our gym.
When someone throw a punch at with hostility when being hit, we regard that as violence, if someone challenge people who are below their level, like "come on! hit me" it is bullying, and it is moral harassment to talk about violence story even though they don't want to listen to. We will be very strict on that kind of people.
Some Latin proverb saying, Ad nocendum potentes sumus (We have the power to harm), and boxing is a sport that deals with violence, depending on how you teach and the atmosphere of the gym, sometimes that power can become violence. Gym is a public place, especially our club has a lot of women and working people. In such an environment, it is important to respect weaker people in order to run the gym in a fair and peaceful manner. 

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