

Paid For: My Journey Through Prostitution←アマゾンでいい評価ですね!

2016-11-22 23:18:15 | ジュリ(遊女)の諸相:科研課題

Rachel Maran はアイルランドのダブリン在なのですね。かつて行ったことのあるダブリンの街が思い出されます。また行きたい街です。この本が気になって調べてみたら、やはりアムネスティー・インターナショナルと対立する立場にあることがわかります。600円弱のKindleで購入するとなぜかフランス語で、読めない?本は取り寄せで時間がかかりそうー。〈1時間後〉今Kindleを開いてみたら英語バージョンになっています。さてじっくり読んでいこう。洋書が安くでネットで読めるのはいいね。

on June 8, 2016
As a male who has personally struggled against the idea of whether prostitution is moral or not, this book has served its purpose of clarifying my ethical standings. After reading this book, it has become crystal clear to me that prostitution is an evil force that must be done away with at once. I am not a puritan, nor a religious fanatic, just a man with plain common sense that read a book from someone who has been there and is articulating her story. Now, before I go into the insights I have gained from this book, I would like to thank Rachel Moran for aiding in my personal development and contributing to human society with her wonderful work in this book.

The book is not perfect by any means, but it is a wonderfully written and enjoyable piece. I read it in 4 days. Despite the mental and physical hardship she's endured, Rachel has managed to write a book that is very insightful and much better written than many books & articles I have read from Columbia or Stanford graduates.

Now without further ado, let me list the key insights I have obtained from this book. They are not the only insights one can gain, but those are the ones that spoke to me the most.

1) Prostitution promotes secrecy. A very bad psychological habit for both parties engaging in the act.売買春は秘密を増長する。売買春にかかわる二人にとって非常に悪い心理的慣習である。
2) Homelessness is often the introductory road to prostitution. Homeless is a particularly harsh condition, one can understand why women resort to selling themselves as a means of escaping homelessness. Prostitution is therefore mainly a substitution for complete poverty.ホームレスは売買春の入り口になっている。ホームレスがひどい生活状況ゆえに、それから遁れるためになぜ女たちが自らを売ることになるか理解できる。ゆえに売春は全き貧困の置換(代理)である。
3) Prostitution is paid rape, or paid to be sexually used. This stroke a deep chord with me by the way, because I never saw it that way.売買春はお金を払ってなされるレイプである。性的に利用されるために支払われる。そのように考えたことがなかったので琴線に触れた。
4) The transaction occurring during the act of prostitution is not occurring between two equal parties. In essence, the male with monetary, educational, and social access is exploiting the female who lacks these resources to fulfill his sexual gratifications.売買春の行為で起こる関係性(SEX)は平等な男女の中ではありえない。その本質は金、教育、社会的アクセス〈社会的立場・是認されたステイタス)のある男性がそれらに劣る女性を彼らの性的欲望を充たすために利用する。


5) Prostitutions hate their clients. They pretend to like them so that the act can be more tolerable for the Johns (another word for clients)




6) Males who engage in buying prostitutes are psychologically training themselves to be sexually abusive to women whether they know it or not.娼婦を買う男達は彼らが認識しているいないに係わらず女性に対して性的に虐待的であるような心理的鎧をしている。そう心理的に思い込んでいる。


7) A society that legalizes prostitution obscures moral boundaries within the collective, I found this remark to be very important.


8) Current legislation against prostitution are not to ban prostitution but mainly to move it indoors, away from public view.


9) Prostitution massacres the body, soul, and mind of the women who do it. The "Happy Hooker" story is a myth.売春はその行為をする女性達の身体、魂、そして精神を破壊する〈殺す〉。幸せな娼婦の物語は神話でしかない。
10) Men need a lot of education on the subject if this problem is to ever done with completely.



The book is simply spectacular. It is well written, describes graphical details, is packed with real emotions, and provides a glimpse of hope for the future. I hope to meet and fund Rachel Moran one day. She has an organization called SPACE (Survivors of Prostitution-Abuse Calling for Enlightenment).. I'll definite write her a check if God gives me the chance.この本はシンプルにすばらしい。本物の情感に溢れ未来に希望を与える。彼女はSPACE(啓発を求める売春虐待生存者)という活動組織を持っている。


Conclusion: Book is amazing, buy it now and support this brave woman!
on May 18, 2016
Many things about this very important book amazed me. The degree to which very little help was offered her to get out of prostitution once she was in it also saddened me. I know the situation is anything but simple, but at outreach centers instead of information about how she could complete her GED and go to college and/or find other ways of making a living she received a cup of coffee and free condoms. I am so glad for her that she did find her way out and go through the decade of trauma of reliving it to write this amazing book as she works to help others do the same. 
 I've always been of two minds over legalizing prostitution and the concept of sex work as empowering for women, but the author's powerful example of how legalizing sex as an ordinary job might block women from receiving unemployment if a sex job was available convinced me that empowerment is an illusionl.売春の合法化と女性のインパワーメント〈自立の促進)としてのSEXworkの考え〈概念〉について二つの考えを持っていた
 Her listing the "skills" necessary to do the job of sex work--the ability to restrain the urge to vomit, the ability to restrain the urge to cry when afraid or in pain, and the ability to dissociate from one's body and not pay attention when enduring unwelcome but unavoidable bodily invasion--clarified the reality of how deeply prostitution constitutes "paid for" sexual abuse. 
彼女のSEX WORKをするために必要な技術のリストは、いかに売買春が支払われる性的虐待かという現実を明らかにしている。その技術とは吐きたくなる気持ちを抑える事。痛みがあったり不安があった時に泣きたい気持ちを抑えること、自らの身体と精神を切り離す技術、避けられない身体的に犯される受け入れがたい行為に耐えているときそこにあまり意識を向けないようにする技術などー。


