

A Child Called 'It' One Child's Courage to Survive Audiobook『 "It"と呼ばれた子』

2018-07-06 02:26:41 | 英語教育・語学一般


A Child Called 'It' One Child's Courage to Survive Audiobook



Dave Pelzer's astonishing, disturbing account of his early years describes one of the most severe child-abuse cases in California history.

This book spent over 175 weeks on the New York Times best-seller list and was also nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. Dave was in first grade when his unstable alcoholic mother began attacking him. Until he was in fifth grade, she starved, beat, and psychologically ravaged her son. Eventually denying even his identity, Dave's mother called him an "it" instead of using his name. Relentlessly, she drove him to the brink of death before authorities finally stepped in.精神的に不安定でアル中の母親が子供をがけっぷちに追いつめたのですね!

With faith and hope, Dave grew determined to survive. He also knew that he needed to share his story. A Child Called "It" is the first of three books that chronicle his life. Through publications and public appearances, Dave is now recognized as one of the nation's most effective and respected speakers about child abuse.子供の虐待がこの国でも悲惨な結果をもたらしていますね。子供達が自ら助けを求めるシステムも必要ですね。『万引き家族』も子供の虐待を浮き彫りにしていますね。親を選べない子供です。子供の人権のために子供の命を救うためのよりよい取り組み、システム、アクションが必要ですね。


