

英雄か悪役か?Hero or Villain: The Prosecution of Julian Assange | Four Corners

2019-07-28 14:32:03 | IT・AI・工科学

Hero or Villain: The Prosecution of Julian Assange | Four Corners 全領域、四隅?全包囲?

ulian Assange is one of the most influential figures to emerge this century. The Australian born founder of WikiLeaks has harnessed the technology of the digital age to unleash an information war against governments and corporations.

WikiLeaks has collaborated with anonymous sources to release highly classified and often deeply embarrassing information to the world.無名の情報提供者から入手した情報を世界に暴露してきたー。

The organisation exploded onto the world stage in 2010 when it began publishing a series of spectacular leaks laying bare the conduct of the United States. At the centre of it all was Julian Assange.

The leaks sparked ferocious debate over the right to know and the right to keep secrets.知る権利と極秘事項の対立!

Now Julian Assange is in the fight of his life. In April this year, he was dragged, protesting, from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, nearly seven years after seeking diplomatic protection.7年のエクアドル大使館での亡命から英国警察に検挙されて現在に至る。

He is facing extradition to the United States on espionage charges stemming from the spectacular 2010 leaks by Private Chelsea Manning.アメリカへの強制移送がありうるのだろうか。

Everyone has an opinion about Julian Assange, but now you will hear from those who have been on the inside.

Four Corners investigates the prosecution of Julian Assange in key interviews with those at the heart of WikiLeaks and those who have sought to bring him to US justice. These insider accounts give powerful insights into how these momentous events have unfolded.

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