Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Scare quote を理解しようー ’success’ は success じゃない

2017年08月03日 23時35分54秒 | Weblog


日経がFTの記事を歪曲したという記事(http://netgeek.biz/archives/100474 )をツイートで流しましたが、それは歪曲ではなく、日経が歪曲したとの指摘が間違いという指摘がありました(http://www.1242.com/blog/iida/2017/08/ …)。誤情報流して失礼しました。m(_ _)m


8月1日の発言についてお詫びと訂正 飯田浩司 




Abenomics a ‘success’, declares IMF

Fund says Japan should keep policy loose in upbeat economic verdict

JUNE 19, 2017 by: Robin Harding in Tokyo

Japan has finally done enough to stimulate its economy and simply needs to keep policy loose until inflation rises, according to an upbeat verdict by the International Monetary Fund.

In contrast with last year’s urgent call for prime minister Shinzo Abe to “reload” his economic policies, the IMF said it was comfortable with Japan’s policy stance, and declared that Abenomics was a “success”.

“We think it’s not yet time to be withdrawing stimulus

The IMF played down last year’s proposal for an incomes policy to drive up wages. The fund had suggested all employers — including the government — should raise wages by 3 per cent a year, with tax incentives and a “comply or explain” mechanism. Mr Lipton said debate on incomes policy had “moved on”.

Japan: Staff Concluding Statement of the 2017 Article IV Mission
June 19, 2017

Positive economic data notwithstanding, the recent gains are vulnerable and key policy objectives have yet to be achieved.

「アベノミクスは目標未達」 IMF年次審査報告書
2017/8/1 9:23



(1)FT は(2)を引用し、(3)日経 は(2)の要約で、(1)と(2)はーーー詳細は読んでもいなし、比較してないが、たぶんーーーほぼ同じようなことを言っている。

FTの表題は、'Success'であり、Success ではない。


scare quote

〈話〉注意喚起の引用符◆通例scare quotes◆引用のためでなく、語句に「そう呼ぶのが適切か疑問だが」「当事者らが言うところの」「いわゆる」などのニュアンスを与えるために用いられる。例えば、They "fixed" the problem by ignoring such people.(彼らはそのような人々の存在を無視することで問題を「解決」した)と書く筆者は、それが本当の意味での「解決」か疑っている。

Scare quotes,
shudder quotes,[1][2] or sneer quotes[3] are quotation marks placed around a word or phrase to signal that a term is being used in a non-standard, ironic, or otherwise special sense.




Air quotes are often used to express satire, sarcasm, irony or euphemism, among others, and are analogous to scare quotes in print.


青山氏の tax haven と同様、宮崎氏の'success'と語り継がれることになるのだろうか?


因みに、おれなんかも英語については誤解や間違いの連続ですので、大したことはいえない ^^;



Beaten up for being gay

2017年08月03日 15時50分14秒 | Weblog




2017年08月03日 12時31分37秒 | Weblog




Drug Deaths in America Are Rising Faster Than Ever

2017年08月03日 11時31分16秒 | Weblog





In 2015, the five states with the highest rates of death due to drug overdose were West Virginia (41.5 per 100,000), New Hampshire (34.3 per 100,000), Kentucky (29.9 per 100,000), Ohio (29.9 per 100,000), and Rhode Island (28.2 per 100,000).

In 2015, the five states with the highest rates of death due to drug overdose were West Virginia (41.5 per 100,000), New Hampshire (34.3 per 100,000), Kentucky (29.9 per 100,000), Ohio (29.9 per 100,000), and Rhode Island (28.2 per 100,000).



Japan's school lunch program

2017年08月03日 11時06分56秒 | Weblog

日本の給食に世界が注目 http://www.businessinsider.com/japans-amazing-school-lunch-program-2017-7/#lunchtime-in-japanese-primary-schools-is-almost-sacred-it-isnt-hurried-kids-get-the-time-just-to-sit-and-eat-not-to-mention-wash-their-hands-in-an-orderly-fashion-1 … shokuiku-日本では給食は教育の一部。生徒が列を作って手を洗い自ら配膳しグループを作って食事をする。集団としての秩序と清潔さを身につけさせる…日本人から見ると「そこですか」という話。



Mistranslation ?

2017年08月03日 10時59分49秒 | Weblog
女はひとりじゃ眠れない 歌詞

The searchlight shines on the steel beams of the construction site
What dream did they have for this city’s future?
A heavy love hangs on the rooftop crane
Where will it be carried to?

Even if I turn my eyes above, darkness is all there is
The only flashes of light are beyond that

A woman can’t always sleep by herself (love gets in the way)
What should I do?
My feeling are stirring, and I can’t sleep (something in my heart is crying out)
I’m not not not lonely. I want to be with someone

A siren calls out as dawn come to the street corner
What have I given up on since yesterday?
The warmth that came from my stubborn beliefs
Is laughing with my cold bedsheets

Even if I try to stop it, things end up the same
I’m shackled by my foolish love

Some day, a woman can sleep alone (once she stops dreaming)
Until then, she sleeps with her eyes open (this world is just an illusion)
I’m not not not lonely. And I don’t cry

I want to be strong
I won’t rely on anything in this lonely world
My desire excites me

A woman, a woman, can’t always sleep by herself (love gets in the way)
What should I do?
My feeling are stirring, and I can’t sleep (something in my heart is crying out)
I’m not not not lonely. I want to be with someone.
I’m not not not lonely. I want to be with you.




A woman can’t always sleep by herself


Don Brown‏

More WTF news: the Japan "image song" for WONDER WOMAN is idol group Nogizaka 46's "A woman can't get any sleep when she's alone."

この「いつだって・・・ない」はnot always ではなく、never


My feeling are stirring, and I can’t sleep


women are emotional, so we can't sleep 




Preparing for War With North Korea?

2017年08月03日 10時02分47秒 | Weblog


U.S. 8th Army in Korea completes relocation in Pyeongtaek
2017.07.12 13:39:54 | 2017.07.12 15:19:55

After much delay, the Eighth U.S. Army for the first time since the end of the 1950-1953 Korean War finally moved out of the Yongsan base in central Seoul to join a larger and integrated U.S. base in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi Province, about 35 kilometers south of the South Korean capital.

State Department Bans Travel To North Korea On U.S. Passports Starting Sept. 1

August 2, 20177:50 PM ET

A U.S. passport will only get you into North Korea for the rest of August, the State Department announced Wednesday.

In a notice posted to the federal register, the State Department said beginning September 1 U.S. passports will be invalid for travel to or within North Korea, with rare exceptions possibly granted to journalists and aid workers. The new rule will also apply to those currently in the country on U.S. passports; they were advised to depart in the next 30 days.

BY RYAN BORT ON 8/1/17 AT 10:45 AM

The United States early Tuesday tested an unarmed intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) with a launch between 12:01 a.m. and 6:01 a.m. from the Vandenberg Air Force Base, north of Lompoc, California. According to the Air Force, the test was meant to assess the effectiveness of the Minuteman III missile defense system.

JULY 29, 2017 / 11:15 AM / 5 DAYS AGO
South Korea to deploy more THAAD units after North Korea ICBM launch

North Korea accuses U.S. of preparing for nuclear war

By Elizabeth Shim Contact the Author | July 31, 2017 at 10:36 AM Follow @upi

July 31 (UPI) -- North Korea accused the United States of preparing for nuclear war after two B1-B Lancers flew over South Korea on Sunday.

Pyongyang's state-controlled news agency KCNA claimed Monday the bombers were deployed from Guam for "war practice."

"On July 30, two B-1B strategic bombers of the U.S. imperialists returned to South Korean airspace for war practice in preparation for a nuclear-armed attack of North Korea," KCNA stated. "The bombers flew over Jeju Island in the south, traversed the East Sea [Sea of Japan] and excitedly trained in the dropping of nuclear bombs while flying over Osan," a U.S. air base in the South.

China deploys troops to North Korea border ahead of ‘US military strike’
BEIJING is bolstering its defences along its North Korea border as it prepares for a potential US military strike.
By Jamie Micklethwaite / Published 25th July 2017

Former East Asia senior US defence official Mark Cozad said: “I think you’re starting to look at a much more robust Chinese response.

“If you’re going to make me place bets on where I think the U.S. and China would first get into a conflict, it’s not Taiwan, the South China Sea or the East China Sea. I think it’s the Korean Peninsula.”

Among the many changes implemented by the red army are a new border defence brigade, and other units have also been mobilised which could be sent into the North.

北朝鮮ミサイル 民間航空機、船舶と衝突する危険も

2017年08月03日 04時32分48秒 | Weblog



The Japan Exchange and Teaching Program is a waste of taxpayer money

2017年08月03日 04時03分41秒 | Weblog


At the start of the program, the introduction of so many foreign English teaching assistants in Japanese schools was revolutionary. Japanese students received direct instruction from these young graduates, encountering the English language as it was actually spoken. In addition to their linguistic education, students gained an opportunity to experience other cultures and think about their own place in the world.

Isn't skype good enough for that?

The JET Program has been highly successful in promoting international exchange, far surpassing the expectations of 30 years ago. It is one of Japan’s most prominent forms of soft power, and one hopes that it will develop ever further in the years ahead.

Did it help Japanese students' English skill? I don't think so.

Did it help Japan's soft power in any way? I am curious how.

If you are happy and you know it, clap your hand

2017年08月03日 03時38分25秒 | Weblog



If you are happy and you know it,



There will be a war with North Korea if they continue trying to hit America with ICBM

2017年08月03日 02時23分14秒 | Weblog

"We are not your enemy ... but you are presenting an unacceptable threat to us, and we have to respond. And we hope that at some point they will begin to understand that and we would like to sit and have a dialogue with them."

However, "a condition of those talks is there is no future where North Korea holds nuclear weapons or the ability to deliver those nuclear weapons to anyone in the region, much less the (U.S.) homeland," he said.



over the next year


Graham said that Trump won't allow the regime of Kim Jong Un to have an ICBM with a nuclear weapon capability to "hit America."

"If there’s going to be a war to stop [Kim Jong Un], it will be over there. If thousands die, they’re going to die over there. They’re not going to die here. And He has told me that to my face," Graham said.

"And that may be provocative, but not really. When you're president of the United States, where does your allegiance lie? To the people of the United States," the senator said.

Military experts have said there are no good options for peacefully stopping North Korea, although the National Security Council has previously presented Trump with possibilities that could include putting American nukes in South Korea or killing Kim Jong Un.

Graham said military experts are "wrong" that no good options exist.

"There is a military option to destroy North Korea's program and North Korea itself," he added.

 LAUER: Are you saying it’s okay to use a military option that immediately endangers the lives of millions of people in that region?

GRAHAM: I’m saying it’s inevitable unless North Korea changes, because you’re making our president pick between regional stability and homeland security. He’s having to make a choice that no president has wanted to make. They’ve kicked the can down the road for 20 years; there’s nowhere else to kick it. There will be a war with North Korea over their missile program if they continue trying to hit America with an ICBM. He’s told me that, and I believe him.



If you do nothing to contain N. Korea now, the war will be fought on American soil later April 25, 2017 



China chatbot implies the corrupted Chinese political party cannot last for long

2017年08月03日 02時04分29秒 | Weblog

A test version of the BabyQ bot could still be accessed on Turing’s website on Wednesday, however, where it answered the question “Do you love the Communist party?” with a simple “No

Before it was pulled, XiaoBing informed users: “My China dream is to go to America,” according to a screengrab posted on Weibo, the microblogging platform. On Wednesday, when some users were still able to access XiaoBing, it dodged the question of patriotism by replying: “I’m having my period, wanna take a rest.”

Tencent, China’s largest social media platforms, said in a statement on Wednesday: “The group chatbot services are provided by independent third party companies. We are now adjusting the services which will be resumed after improvements.”

It’s very similar for BabyQ. Machine learning means they will pick up whatever is available on the internet. If you don’t set guidelines that are clear enough, you cannot direct what they will learn.”

Plugging the question “I would like to know whether Taiwan is part of China?” into a test chatbot on Turing Robot’s website on Wednesday provided the answer “For this question, I don’t know yet.”

In a conversation with netizens, chat box “Baby Q” was suddenly asked an opinion about the Chinese Communist Party and to which she answered “No” with no hesitation. She even implied that such corrupted Chinese political party cannot last for long and also showed her support for democracy.

It is even more ironical when she taught internet users about patriotism. She said that a patriotic is anyone who is willing to accept heavy taxation and colluding relationship between politicians and businessmen, tolerate pressure the government put on the average citizens, and not complain.

A Different Narrative for American Whale Killers.

2017年08月03日 01時38分57秒 | Weblog
When White Folks Use Drugs
I am troubled and frankly bitter at the newfound compassion extended to disproportionately white drug users, because this sympathy has so long evaded people of color.

Why White Men Are “Gunmen” and Muslim Men Are “Terrorists”



