Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2017年08月27日 20時37分40秒 | Weblog

「その後、『あの女とは性的関係はありません 』とか言ったんだよ!」

「おれたちは、『 この国には、希望も変化もあります』 とか言ったんだよな」


We have seen a dramatic collapse in confidence in American leadership in Asia.

2017年08月27日 16時48分24秒 | Weblog

As the U.S. steps back, Vietnamese wonder if China is taking control

At an ASEAN forum in Manila in early August, not long after news broke of the drilling-project suspension, Vietnam reaffirmed its public opposition to Beijing. The United States, meanwhile, played an obviously reduced role, said Richard Javad Heydarian, an assistant professor of political science at Manila’s De La Salle University.

For those in the region opposing Chinese expansion, Heydarian said, “Trump has not been very helpful. We have seen a dramatic collapse in confidence in American leadership in Asia. Tillerson didn’t look like he was representing the superpower [at the forum]. He looked more like the representative of a second-tier power, and everyone here knows he is besieged at home.”



2017年08月27日 12時30分42秒 | Weblog

The 17-year-old girl, from Saraikela-Kharsawan district, in Jharkhand, eastern India, was in a relationship with a man in her village when she fell pregnant.

He left the girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, when she told him she was pregnant, and her family turned their backs on her fearing they would be shamed.

The young girl was forced to leave home. According to locals, the young girl had been seen living on the streets for over four months.

On Monday, at around 7pm, she started going into labour and approached the local health centre, Chandil Sub Divisional Hospital, for help.

But staff allegedly refused to take responsibility for her as she was not accompanied by a guardian.

At 5am, the following morning, the girl gave birth to a daughter on the side of the road, just 30 metres away from the health centre

A passer-by noticed her clothes soaked in blood and an umbilical cord still attached to a baby, and raised an alarm.

Om Prakash Sharma, 50, a resident of the area, said: 'The mother and baby were lying on the street in pain. I put roadblocks around them so that they don't get hit by any vehicle.

'A man went to the health centre asking for help but they refused. They said they couldn't admit the girl as she had no guardian to take responsibility for her. We then informed the police.'







2017年08月27日 08時16分44秒 | Weblog







What's the point of US-Japan Security Alliance if US can't attack N. Korea?

2017年08月27日 07時52分09秒 | Weblog

via toru

If the U.S. can't attack N.Korea for fear of nuclear retaliation, N.Korea can demand anything from Japan: Japan has no choice but to do whatever N.Korea says.

If Japan does not want that, Japan needs to go nuclear for its security.