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China chatbot implies the corrupted Chinese political party cannot last for long

2017年08月03日 02時04分29秒 | Weblog

A test version of the BabyQ bot could still be accessed on Turing’s website on Wednesday, however, where it answered the question “Do you love the Communist party?” with a simple “No

Before it was pulled, XiaoBing informed users: “My China dream is to go to America,” according to a screengrab posted on Weibo, the microblogging platform. On Wednesday, when some users were still able to access XiaoBing, it dodged the question of patriotism by replying: “I’m having my period, wanna take a rest.”

Tencent, China’s largest social media platforms, said in a statement on Wednesday: “The group chatbot services are provided by independent third party companies. We are now adjusting the services which will be resumed after improvements.”

It’s very similar for BabyQ. Machine learning means they will pick up whatever is available on the internet. If you don’t set guidelines that are clear enough, you cannot direct what they will learn.”

Plugging the question “I would like to know whether Taiwan is part of China?” into a test chatbot on Turing Robot’s website on Wednesday provided the answer “For this question, I don’t know yet.”

In a conversation with netizens, chat box “Baby Q” was suddenly asked an opinion about the Chinese Communist Party and to which she answered “No” with no hesitation. She even implied that such corrupted Chinese political party cannot last for long and also showed her support for democracy.

It is even more ironical when she taught internet users about patriotism. She said that a patriotic is anyone who is willing to accept heavy taxation and colluding relationship between politicians and businessmen, tolerate pressure the government put on the average citizens, and not complain.


