Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Trump: All options are on the table.

2017年08月29日 20時46分16秒 | Weblog

"This regime has signaled its contempt for its neighbors, for all members of the United Nations, and for minimum standards of acceptable international behavior," Trump said.

"Threatening and destabilizing actions only increase the North Korean regime’s isolation in the region and among all nations of the world. All options are on the table."


North Korea is forcing school kids to sign petitions for enlistment into the military

2017年08月29日 20時37分30秒 | Weblog

North Korea is reportedly forcing middle school kids to sign petitions for enlistment into the military as the threat of war looms just over the horizon.

“I will volunteer to join the People’s Army to protect my country,” reads the petition that authorities are coercing young North Koreans to sign, reports Daily NK, citing sources in country. The North has been pressuring its youth, from middle school to university, to sign up for battle.

“Youth from all over the country and university students have submitted petitions for enrollment or reenlistment, and even 15-year-old students are signing the forms,” a source in Ryanggang Province recently told Daily NK,”The petitions are being signed under forcible and coercive pressure from the North Korean authorities.”


Here is How US missile defense system fails to work.

2017年08月29日 20時30分20秒 | Weblog



2017年08月29日 19時57分00秒 | Weblog

渡辺 輝人 まあ、毛利衛さんが宇宙に行ったときも、「日本の上空を通過」と言っていた気がするので、慣用表現としてはありなのかな、と。「だからなんだよ?」という話なのだと思います。



英語でも over Japan



2017年08月29日 19時33分01秒 | Weblog

South Korea has threatened to 'exterminate' North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un if he continues to risk the safety of its population, as Seoul responded to this morning's ballistic missile launch over Japan.

North Korea fired a ballistic missile over northern Japan today in the most serious escalation yet of its nuclear stand-off with the West.

Within hours, South Korea had responded by bombing a shooting range near its border to the North as part of a military drill, launching footage which contained a stern warning to Kim Jong-Un

'If North Korea threatens the security of the South Korean people and the South Korea-US alliance with their nuclear weapons and missiles our air forces will exterminate the leadership of North Korea with our strong strike capabilities,' South Korean Colonel Lee Kuk-no warned in the video.

A statement from Seoul later on Tuesday echoed this sentiment, saying South Korea is 'fully ready for any threat from the North'.

'We strongly condemn the North's yet another provocation despite a grave message sent through Resolution 2371 adopted by the international community in the wake of its repeated strategic provocations,' the government said in a statement punlished by Yonhap news.

'We are fully ready for any threat from the North and will make unwavering efforts to protect the lives of our people and the security of our nation,' it said.

The South Korea air force on Tuesday sent four F-15K fighter jets to bomb simulated targets near the inter-Korean border, in a response to a test by North Korea of a ballistic missile earlier in the day.

The Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) said in a written statement that they had “reaffirmed the reaction capability of the air force to raze the enemy’s leadership in case of emergency.”

“If North Korea threatens the security of our people and the ROK – U.S. alliance with nuclear weapons and missiles, we will wipe out the North Korean leadership with our air force’s strong capability to strike [their targets],” Major Lee Guk-no, who directed the exercise, said.

President Moon Jae-in on Tuesday ordered the South Korean military to display its “powerful capability to punish North Korea,” the Blue House announced.

“In accordance with [Moon’s statement], four F-15K fighter jets of our air force staged drills dropping eight Mark 84 bombs at Pilsung Shooting Range in Taebaek at around 0920 KST this morning.”

The Pilsung Shooting Range is located in Gangwon Province near the inter-Korean border

President Donald Trump fully supports President Moon Jae-in’s North Korea policy and the South Korean government’s countermeasures against North Korean provocations,” McMaster said in a statement released by the Blue House.





N. Korea Boosts Efforts to produce material for nuclear bombs

2017年08月29日 15時07分23秒 | Weblog
北朝鮮、着々と核物質を製造か IAEA報告書

North Korea steps up work on parts for new reactor: IAEA
ReutersUpdated August 26, 2017

Its effort to produce material for nuclear bombs, however, has rumbled on, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in a report to its annual general conference. The IAEA does not have access to North Korea and monitors its activities mainly by satellite imagery.

“There were indications in the LWR (light-water reactor) construction yard of an increase in activities consistent with the fabrication of certain reactor components,” the IAEA report posted on the General Conference’s website said.

Japan needs to go nuclear if US continues to be impotent against North Korea.

2017年08月29日 15時02分39秒 | Weblog

political scientist

The right stuff

Clearly both hawkish and dovish moves are necessary. On the hawkish side, a military buildup beyond what the US currently offers the region will probably become necessary. The ability to strike North Korean nuclear facilities and missile sites, upgraded intelligence, and perhaps even a nuclear deterrent of Japan and South Korea’s own may become necessary.

Developing nuclear capabilities has long been a taboo both in Japan and South Korea, but it is steadily gathering acceptance and momentum.

These capabilities will be necessary to serve as deterrents on their own right. But, more importantly, they may draw out meaningful action from the US.

Before his election, Trump criticised the US’ Northeast Asian allies as “free riders”. The introduction of more hawkish policies towards North Korea from Seoul and Tokyo may regain the confidence of the US and its public.

Forget Sanctions, Reining in North Korea Will Need a Whole New Approach








2017年08月29日 13時41分18秒 | Weblog







2017年08月29日 12時01分37秒 | Weblog




2017年08月29日 09時16分27秒 | Weblog
Jアラート テレビの騒ぎ過ぎ

NEW!2017-08-29 07:08:37


14:53 - 2017年8月28日



S.Korea was and probably still is under the illusion.

2017年08月29日 09時10分30秒 | Weblog


Koreasparkling @torumyax
返信先: @torumyaxさん
https://twitter.com/yonhapjp/status/902101493255290880 …
15:35 - 2017年8月28日

Dialogue with N. Korea possible in October: Kang Posted : 2017-08-28 16:53Updated : 2017-08-28 21:14

By Yi Whan-woo

South Korea may find opportunities to resume dialogue with North Korea by the end of early October if Pyongyang makes no further military provocations, Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha said Monday.

"There will be room for diplomacy to work on dialogue for the North's denuclearization, if nothing serious occurs between now and major anniversary days in October," Kang said during a press conference.