Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Korean government can't keep promises and ignores the plight of ex-comfort women for US troops

2017年08月16日 04時55分03秒 | Weblog

Keep in mind Japan apologized to and compensated Korean comfort women for Japanese troops while Korean government does nothing to help Former Korean 'comfort women' for U.S. troops restore their dignity.

JULY 11, 2014 / 7:46 PM / 3 YEARS AGO
Former Korean 'comfort women' for U.S. troops sue own government

Korean ultra-nationalism is to blame.


2017年08月16日 04時34分13秒 | Weblog




August 15, 2017

On this Day to Commemorate the War Dead and Pray for Peace, my thoughts are with the numerous people who lost their precious lives in the last war and their bereaved families, as I attend this Memorial Ceremony for the War Dead with a deep and renewed sense of sorrow.

Seventy-two years have already passed since the end of the war, and our country today enjoys peace and prosperity, thanks to the ceaseless effort made by the people of Japan, but when I look back on the sufferings and tribulations of the past, I cannot help but be overcome with deep emotion.

Reflecting on our past and bearing in mind the feelings of deep remorse, I earnestly hope that the ravages of war will never be repeated. Together with all of our people, I now pay my heartfelt tribute to all those who lost their lives in the war, both on the battlefields and elsewhere, and pray for world peace and for the continuing development of our country.

反省はremorse でいいのかな、と思ったけど、


1 自分のしてきた言動をかえりみて、その可否を改めて考えること。「常に反省を怠らない」「一日の行動を反省してみる」
2 自分のよくなかった点を認めて、改めようと考えること。「反省の色が見られない」「誤ちを素直に反省する」

Deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed

noun [ U ] UK ​ /rɪˈmɔːs/ US ​ /rɪˈmɔːrs/ formal

C2 a feeling of sadness and being sorry for something you have done:

Remorse, a noun, is what you feel if you regret your actions or wish for another outcome.
The noun remorse has a very vivid origin. It comes from the Latin roots re for "again" and mordere "to bite." So, if you feel remorse, it means that your conscience is working on you, your past actions are biting you back,


N. Korea moved missile equipment into position while the US was complaining of NK’s threat

2017年08月16日 03時03分35秒 | Weblog

what were the North Koreans doing from August 9-14 while the US was huffing and puffing over Pyongyang’s threat about Guam?

The answer, it turns out, was easy: almost nothing. There were rallies in Pyongyang and the provinces. (The two laggards held their rallies yesterday.) There were reports of youths and students rushing to declare their willingness to enlist in the army. But for the rest of the country, the message was that the way to defeat the Americans was: Stay at work! Produce more!

In other words, there was no mobilization of the population in preparation for a military confrontation.



US satellites spot North Korea moving missiles 'in preparation for possible launch'
Pyongyang puts on 'show of force' amid tensions after threat of missile strike on Guam

North Korea has moved missile equipment into position ahead of a possible launch, according to US defence officials.

American satellites detected the transportation of launchers capable of firing intermediate-range ballistic missiles (IRBMs) amid tension over threats by Pyongyang.

The movement is "not believed to be directly related to the threat issued by North Korea last week to strike the waters near Guam," a source told CNN.

But they added the activity was being "watched closely" by the US military.

It comes after James Mattis, the American Defence Secretary, warned a North Korean missile attack "could escalate into war very quickly".

He said the US would "take out" any such launch aimed at its territory, in an apparent reference to missile defence systems around Guam. 



2017年08月16日 02時57分24秒 | Weblog


Blackface can be inoffensive.

2017年08月16日 02時32分35秒 | Weblog


blackface かってつうの?

白人の阿呆面だってgif になっているだろう?


Black face can be offensive or inoffensive just as Yellow Face/"slanted" eye can be offensive or inoffensive.

In US You can't tell white cops from White supremacists

2017年08月16日 01時52分32秒 | Weblog



