Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Trump: Military solutions are now fully in place,locked and loaded

2017年08月11日 20時56分03秒 | Weblog
locked and loaded

Donald J. Trump‏認証済みアカウント

Military solutions are now fully in place,locked and loaded,should North Korea act unwisely. Hopefully Kim Jong Un will find another path!
4:29 - 2017年8月11日



Secretary Mattis says US is ‘ready’ to counter North Korean threat

2017年08月11日 20時50分34秒 | Weblog

"What is our readiness and what steps are you going to take against North Korea if they take any possible action against our country or any other country?" a reporter asked.
60 Women Consider Suing Google for Sexism, Gender Pay Gap
"I understand the question, very valid, but I don't tell the enemy in advance what I'm going to do. Our readiness ... We're ready," Mattis responded.



2017年08月11日 20時15分54秒 | Weblog






Shooting at Guam will be viewed as an act of war

2017年08月11日 13時11分24秒 | Weblog

Pyongyang's latest statement, read on state-run television today, said North Korea is "seriously examining the plan for an enveloping strike at Guam through simultaneous fire of four ... ballistic rockets" in the water about 18 to 24 miles off the coast of the U.S. territory.

Ganyard said that any such action would be viewed as an “act of war, even if [Kim] doesn’t hit it ... even if he shoots at it.”

Shooting at Guam is no different than shooting at New York City,” he said.

Ganyard said that if Anchorage or any part of the mainland United States were attacked, the response would be swift and destructive.

The U.S. response would involve intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear weapons "raining down on targets that have been predetermined since 1957.”

If South Korea were attacked, Ganyard said that “because [President Donald Trump is] bound by a treaty, we will defend them the same way we would defend the United States.”






2017年08月11日 12時59分45秒 | Weblog

リテラ > 社会 > オピニオン > 久米宏、さんま、村本も東京五輪批判




China won't intervene if North Korea launches missiles that threaten US soil first

2017年08月11日 12時38分31秒 | Weblog
Reckless game over the Korean Peninsula runs risk of real war
Source:Global Times Published: 2017/8/10 23:23:40

via daily mail

Beijing is not able to persuade Washington or Pyongyang to back down at this time. It needs to make clear its stance to all sides and make them understand that when their actions jeopardize China's interests, China will respond with a firm hand.

China should also make clear that if North Korea launches missiles that threaten US soil first and the US retaliates, China will stay neutral. If the US and South Korea carry out strikes and try to overthrow the North Korean regime and change the political pattern of the Korean Peninsula, China will prevent them from doing so.



Kim might decide that death with ‘glory’ is preferable to defeat.

2017年08月11日 12時15分03秒 | Weblog
Gaming out the North Korea crisis: How the conflict might escalate

via Toru

If the latest North Korean threats about hitting Guam reflect any real intent beyond rhetorical saber-rattling, a launch would be detected by Japanese radar, leading U.S. ships in the Pacific to launch missiles to destroy the North Korean warhead, according to one scenario. The immediate crisis might be averted, but North Korea might then respond by attacking South Korean patrol boats near the border between the two Koreas.

Skirmishes have taken place in that area for many years, but the chances that such a conflict could quickly metastasize into a full-scale war are high, military analysts said.

In a conventional war, heavy casualties would likely result as North Korean troops poured into the South, using tunnels the North is reported to have built under the demilitarized zone between the countries. In addition, North Korea is believed to have a stockpile of several thousand tons of chemical weapons, according to the International Crisis Group, which studies global conflicts.

In war games played out at Washington policy institutes, even minor confrontations have led to a nuclear exchange. In one model, a single nuclear device deployed against Seoul would result in 180,000 deaths and 160,000 additional injuries, along with a near-total collapse of civil order, including a mass exodus from the city leading to gridlock and a paralyzed health-care system.

Even without using nuclear weapons, the North could sow panic and perhaps force a shift in U.S. policy. North Korea might attempt to spread fear through an act of terrorism, said Patrick Cronin, an Asia-Pacific security expert at the Center for a New American Security. “A few grenades in downtown Seoul will absolutely close down the city out of fear,” he said.

Even without nuclear force, North Korea might seek to divide the United States from its allies. How, for example, would regional Asian powers react if North Korea shot a high-altitude electromagnetic pulse over Tokyo, temporarily turning off the lights in the Japanese metropolis?

In that instance, some experts concluded, Japan might join with some neighbors to urge Washington to cut a deal with Kim, averting further military conflict by accepting North Korea as a nuclear power.

Despite the country’s acquisition of nuclear weapons, “the regime does not have regional ambitions,” concluded Robert Carlin of Stanford University and Robert Jervis of Columbia in a paper that studied how North Korea might use its new status.

“The most likely scenario,” they wrote, “is for Pyongyang to remain tightly focused on its domestic situation, especially on its economy, and on ways to loosen or blunt the pressures from its neighbors and the United States.”

Still, they said, “we could well enter the danger zone of North Korean fatalism, in which a decision to use nuclear weapons, especially against Japan — the historic enemy — would rise on the list of ‘patriotic’ options.”

The North Korean leadership, they warned, “might become. . . fatalistic and decide that death with ‘glory’ is preferable to defeat.”






South Korean President speaks with a double tongue

2017年08月11日 12時01分27秒 | Weblog


Are The U.S. And South Korea On A Crash Course For Collision?

Olivia Enos ,

Right on the heels of the Kim regime’s first test of an inter-continental ballistic missile (ICBM) and the death of American citizen Otto Warmbier, willingness to dialogue signals that there are few conditions under which the Moon government would not engage with the brutal Kim regime. To put it more bluntly – it sends the signal that North Korea can literally get away with murder and the international community will still seek engagement.

Beyond offers of engagement with North Korea, President Moon signaled an interest in pursuing other policies that contradict stated U.S. strategy, including a desire to re-open the Kaesong Industrial Complex. The complex’s profits may have formerly been used to fund the Kim regime’s nuclear and missile programs to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Beyond that, re-opening Kaesong without prior approval of a UN committee would violate several UN Security Council resolutions.

Due to Moon’s own statements, I was under the impression that a potential freeze-for-freeze was off the table. But I heard from senior-level South Korean officials that this wasn’t true. This could indicate disagreement within the South Korean government, or it may just reflect Moon’s privately-held views that trading military exercises for a freeze in testing is a legitimate policy option

If the two countries are serious about addressing North Korea, they should make sure that U.S. and South Korean officials aren’t just talking past each other, or giving lip service to denuclearization.

What N.Korea's been getting away with is a tragedy, and it can't be allowed.

2017年08月11日 11時50分09秒 | Weblog


Australia 'ready for war'

2017年08月11日 11時32分09秒 | Weblog

joined at the hipとは


Australia will come to America's aid if North Korea launches an attack against the US, Malcolm Turnbull has confirmed.

The prime minister discussed the unfolding situation with US Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday night.

'We have an ANZUS agreement and if there is an attack on Australia or the United States then each of us will come to the other's aid,' Mr Turnbull told 3AW radio on Friday.



2017年08月11日 10時52分18秒 | Weblog






2017年08月11日 10時46分37秒 | Weblog

