

音楽CD ザマナイ 日本とユーラシア 2011年2月15日号広告

2011-02-27 22:51:48 | 日記
ネバダ・セミパラチンスク反核運動の中から生まれた音楽CD「Zamanーai ザマナイ~時代よ!~」
カザフ語歌:ROZA Rymbaeva 
原作詞: U.Esdauletov
原作曲: T.Muhamedjanov
製作・販売: ヒロシマ・セミパラチンスク・プロジェクト
①郵便振替口座  記号番号:01360-5-60273
         加入者名義: ヒロシマ・セミパラチンスク・プロジェクト
問い合わせ:〒 733-0012 広島市西区草津東3-6-11-2(橋村宅)
TEL/FAX :082-274-1634 
E-Mail: mashenka@fancy.ocn.ne.jp
Blog: http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kazakhstan
(問い合わせ:TEL:080-5505-4872 Mail:qyu015271030@at4.mopera.ne.jp)
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トルストイ家の箱舟 The Asahi Shimbun 2011年2月15日

2011-02-27 22:20:25 | 日記
Japanese book explores mystery of Tolstoy's death.BY SHUNSUKE YAITA STAFF WRITER 2011/02/15
[photo]Artist Natalia Tolstaya, great-great-granddaughter of Leo Tolstoy, left, and Natalia Belaya, the wife of Russia's ambassador to Japan, hold books by Fumiko Davis. (Toshiyuki Takeya) Fumiko Davis

A Russian translation of a Japanese book pursuing the mystery surrounding the final years of Russian master novelist Leo Tolstoy will appear in bookstores in his home country this spring.
The original book, "Torusutoi-ke no Hakobune" (The Tolstoy family's ark), was written by Fumiko Davis, who is from Kita-Kyushu, and published by Gunzosha Publishing Co. in 2007.
The book caught the attention of the Russian Foreign Ministry, which published a Russian translation last year to mark the centennial of the writer's death.
To shed light on Tolstoy's abrupt departure from his home and his subsequent death at a remote railway station about a month later, Davis researched his family and others close to him, including his most faithful disciple, Vladimir Chertkov.

Davis' extensive research included diaries of Tolstoy's wife Sophia and his assistant, Valentin Blugakov, as well as a memoir by Tolstoy's youngest daughter Aleksandra.
The author traces Tolstoy's life through his battles with state and church authorities, his desire to abandon his wealth and his troubles with Sophia, who gave birth to 13 children.
Tolstoy, born in 1828, wrote numerous books, including the epic "War and Peace."
The relationship with Sophia became strained as she tried to control Tolstoy's copyrights, following his decision to release his work into the public domain.
Tolstoy left home in late autumn of 1910, but he died of pneumonia at Astapovo station at 82.
Publication of a Russian translation of "The Ark" was a project of the Russian Foreign Ministry and the Russian Embassy in Japan.
"'The Ark' was well-accepted in Japan and the book contains things not well known in Russia," said Natalia Belaya, the wife of the Russian ambassador to Japan, who contributed to the publication project. "I hope the book will attract many Russian readers."
The book was translated by Tatyana L. Sokolova-Delyusina, who is known for her translation of the 11th-century classic "The Tale of Genji."
The book was designed by Natalia Tolstaya, a great-great-granddaughter of Tolstoy. Tolstaya, 56, visited Japan late last year for an exhibition of her works to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Tolstoy's death at Showa Women's University in Tokyo's Setagaya Ward.
"Many books written in the past read as if Tolstoy and Sophia did not get along well," she said. "But Davis understood Sophia's feelings and her contribution to cataloging Tolstoy's vast library."

Davis is a porcelain painter based in Singapore. After graduating from the Russian University of People's Friendship in Moscow in 1975, she married a U.S. trading firm employee.
From 1999 to 2002, she lived in Moscow, where she met Tolstaya, and had access to valuable resources that helped her write "The Ark."
Davis also translated a recollection of Japan by Aleksandra, who stayed in Japan before finding asylum in the United States.
A project is under way to make a joint Japan-Russia film based on Davis' and Aleksandra's books.
"Searching for Sophia's image from a woman's point of view, I found she was a hard-working, dutiful and intelligent mother," Davis said.
"Japan-Russia relations are shaky due to the disputed Northern Territories and other problems, but, in terms of culture, I hope my book will convey a sense of affinity and help promote friendship."

「トルストイ家の箱舟」―文豪トルストイの家出の謎に迫る 2007年02月26日 竹谷俊之

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