from today's Nikkei

2007年06月02日 14時47分55秒 | 新聞記事から
骨太方針原案 金融一体課税を検討 地方税源 偏在是正も盛る 消費税、秋以降に議論
The draft plan of the Honebuto Policy 2007, basic policies for economics and fiscal management and structural reform, was made clear. According to the draft,how to deal with the so-called finacial earnings taxation in terms of tax reform, which is now a focal point,will be stipulated in the policy. Specifically,introduction of a new method for taxation with all the financial earnings combined likely will be pursued.The revison of the disparity in local tax sources also will be stipulated in the policy.And the cosumption tax issue will be discussed from this autumn.
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