from today's Nikkei

2010年09月03日 16時43分37秒 | 新聞記事から
日揮、太陽熱発電に参入 日本企業初 スペインで 成長市場を開拓 総工費500億円 日英仏4行 協調融資

According to sources, JGC Corporation,a Japanese major plant maker, has decided to engage in the solar-heat power generation in Spain, as the first challenge for a Japanese company, in cooperatin with a Spanish leading solar energy firm.Power station is to be built in the sourthen part of the country with the selling of the electricity expected to begin in 2012. An estimated total cost of the construction of the station will be more than 50 billion yen, about 70 percent of which comes from the four banks in Japan, Britain and France,including Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation of Japan.

This is one of recent, conspicuoius movements of Japanese companies that they are going to make an investment in the growth sector of natural energy including wind and sunlight.
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