cherry blossom viewing this spring

2006年04月10日 14時59分39秒 | 近況報告
Since around the daybreak this morning it has been raining. It is the case in Matsuyama, and in Takamatsu also it may have been so. In the morning today I was off duty and started around 10:30 haeading for Takamatsu. Along the way it has been raining through Takamatsu.The rain is not so weak ,rather stong. On the way back to Matsuyama Saturday,I saw lots of cherry flowers blooming in the trees planted along the toll road.they were very beautiful. Only a couple of days after that, the cherry flowers have already changed. In some trees I can see ligh-green leaves among light-pink-colored flowers,which are ussually caled "Hazakura"

Thinkig of cherry blossoms, I think they are very unique flowers or trees because they remain dim and behave themselves as if dried plant almost all the year except the spring season. But spring is approaching, they begin to have green leaves and a lots of small buds and then white flowers.When I see the process , I can realize that the plants whivch I thought were almost dead are living steadly on the ground extending their roots deep in the earth.The flower really gives us somthing-somthing which encourage us to live our lives lively and actively.

This spring, I think the date when the first bloom was announced by the each meteorological agency in Shikoku earlier than usual. But after the time , there had been rather cold days for a long period. And so, the time of their full bloom has become as the same as usual year.

The weekends before last, it was raining unfortunately two days.But last weekends, the weather was very fine both two days.Many peole must have enjoyed viewing full-bloom cherry blossoms everywhere.

I would like to say thanks to cherry flowers.
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