from today's Nikkei

2008年12月24日 10時04分20秒 | 新聞記事から
国際協力銀の融資範囲拡大 途上国ビジネスを支援 財務省が特例措置 金融危機に対応

The Finance Ministry has recently decided to extend its financial support to Japanese companies which are engaged in exports to developing countries or the businesses there.Specifically,the ministry will expand the activity area of Japan Bank for International Cooperation, the international division of Japan Finance Corporation,with an exceptional treatment, and then allow JBIC to extend loans until the end of fiscal 2009 to Japanese export-related comapnies or Japanese major firms advancing into developing countries,which is at present not permitted under the present rule.This is aimed at preventing domestic firms engaged in developing countries' businesses from shrinking due to the fund problems,affected by the current global financial crises.
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