from an editorial of Yomiuri

2006年10月18日 11時33分13秒 | 新聞記事から
( )内はThe Daily Yomiuri による英訳です。
South Korea and its Apeasement

South Korea's appeasement policy failed to prevent North Korea from conducting nuclear test
(ROK's 'sunshine policy' has brought dark clouds)

The U.S. announced that it confirmed the nuclear-test facilities in North Korea.To the international community,especially,to Japan, the fact gives a serious concern.
(The United States has confirmed that North Korea conducted an underground nuclear test on Oct.9,bringing home to members of the international community,particularly Japan,the seriousness of the threat posed by Noth Korea's nucler development problem.)

Putting into practice an effective economic sanctions against North Korea,following the resolution of the U.N. Security Council,and also putting a brake on the country's nuclear threat, are now the most prioritized issues in the international community.
(It is an urgent task to limit North Korea's nucler threat by imposing effective economic sanctions on the country based on U.N. Security Council Resolution 1718.)

South Korea listed its name on the countries jointly submitting the sanction draft,along with Japan and the U.S.,to the Security Council.It is to make serious efforts to stop its neighboring country's developing the
nuclear weapons. After U.N. Security Council adopted the sanctions, it announced the government statement, saying that it will welcome the decision and support it. However, it is still vague what kind of sanctions South Korea will implement against its neighboring country.
(South Korea joined the countries ,including Japan, that sponsored the draft resolution. This obligates Seoul to do its best to prevent Pyongyang from developing nuclear weapons.
After the resolution was adopted ,the South Korean government said it welcomed and supported the Security Council's decision,but it has not yet clarified what sanctions it will implement against North Korea.)
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