from August 16 Nikkei

2010年08月18日 11時16分09秒 | 新聞記事から
政府、インフラ投資促進 官民ファンド創設へ 外環道・関空に活用検討 呼び水資金、国が拠出

The government has started to discuss how to establish a new fund with a public-private tie-up with a view to promoting infrastructure investments.Aomng the ideas of its utilization is one that it should be positively utilized in the projects of the Tokyo Outer Loop Road costruction and the Kansai International Airport maintenance.

Given the current situation that securing the source of money of an investment has been getting increasingly difficult, new way of securing the source is needed, like the way helping the scheme of PFI (private finance initiative).

In the thoughts of people concerned, by the government's providing pump-priming fund the environment will be created that many of megabanks,firms, and individual investors could more easily give their money to each project asked.
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