from today's Nikkei

2009年04月23日 17時04分41秒 | 新聞記事から
PB商品販売35%増 主要小売本社調査 セブン&アイユニーなど 10社、値下げ検討 今年度計画 低価格志向に対応

The market for so-called "private brand" products in the retail sector has been rapidly increasing. According to a survey carried out by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun aimed at the 15 major retailers and related organizations on their PB strategies,even though the figure is compiled for only 7 retailers which have made public their numerical targets of their sales in fiscal 2009,the year's estimated sales of such kind products will probably reach 1.568 trillion yen,up 35 percentage points from the previous year. Meanwhile 10 companies,such as Seven&i Holdings Co.,Ltd. and Uny Co.,Ltd are now deliberating on reducing the prices in coping with the trend that consumers have recently become more and more inexpensive price-oriented.
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