from today's Nikkei

2009年04月02日 07時33分20秒 | 新聞記事から
政投銀 融資枠10兆円に 企業資金繰り支援大幅拡充 政府・与党 最終調整 

According to sources,the government and ruling parties have started on Wednesday deliberating on revising the Development Bank of Japan's emergency program.DBJ is a virtually state-operated financial institution and currently under its economic emergency program is offering financial supports to private firms.The current range of DBJ's loans to private firms under the emergency program in total is 1 trillion yen.The direction of the discussion among people concerned is that the range should be raised to 10 trillion yen.Another point is that the equity capital of DBJ should increase by 3 trillion yen. These ideas are all aimed at helping private firms collect necessary money amid the ongoing economic downturn.
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