from today's Nikkei

2009年04月20日 09時50分33秒 | 新聞記事から
環境車向け新素材開発 日本勢の競争力増す 富士電機 走行距離を1割長く 昭和電工 長持ちする電極材料

Some companiesn from the heavy electric machinery,petrochemical and electric machinery industries,such as Fuji Electric Holdings and Showa Denko, are going to full-fledgedly develop new materials for eco-friendly vehicles like hybrid cars.They intend to participate in the eco-car market expected to grow in the future by developing materials making the cars' price cheaper and contributing to the cars' quality improvement.With semiconductors and batteries advanced, Japanese companies' competence in the field will be enhanced.Specifically,a heavy electric machinery company Fuji Electric Holdings has a plan to develop a power semiconductor capable of efficiently adjusting the electric current and voltage of the battery and thus making mileage, when once fully charged, longer, about 10 percent longer than the current level. Showa Denko will develop a new more durable electrode.
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