from today's Nikkei

2008年06月03日 13時58分58秒 | 新聞記事から
自動車輸出 23年ぶり最高 今年度700万台 資源国向け大幅増 国内生産を下支え 為替リスク再び課題に

The number of combined exports of vehicles by domestic 12 automakers in fiscal 2008 will probably reach the 7 million unit level,and seems to record the highest-ever for the first time in 23 years. While the exports to North America,which has been the biggest destination, is expected to decline around 8 % due to recession,companies,such as Toyota and Nissan, will largely expand their exports to such countries as Russia and Middle and South America,which are also rich in materials.In the circumstances that domestic market has been stagnant,business structure has got conspicuous that companies' earnings and productions are bolstered by sales increase in such material-rich countries,whose purchasing power is increasing.
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