from today's Nikkei

2008年12月26日 10時17分32秒 | 新聞記事から
日本企業100社 中国向けネット通販 三井住友カード決済、銀聯と連携 家電など2万点 来月から販売

About 100 Japanese companies of major retailers and manufacturers likely will begin to sell their products on the Internet in China starting in January,2009.Specifically,using the Chinese settlement network called "Ren-gin" and Japanese credit card company Mitsui-Sumitomo's network,they set up a virtual shopping mall on the Internet and sell as many as some 20,000 items of products,such as hosehold appliances,cosmetics and clothes.For Japanese companies facing stagnant sales in their domestic markets,this will certainly be a good chance for them to be able to sell their products directly to many Chinese consumers.
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