Masaoka Shiki's words

2009年05月27日 16時17分05秒 | 自分の意見の陳述

After these words, Shiki wrote that he picked up “Wakana-shu,” a magazine circulated among Kyoshi and his friends, and read the novel in it to laugh. And also he wrote:

―I usually say novels are necessary to human beings. Its saying always comes from my theoretical viewpoint. This is the first time I have directly felt its benefit.―

And the letter is concluded by the following:

―These things should not be said to others so as to avoid their misunderstanding. Yours sincerely―

The doctor whom Shiki consulted at this time was an expert in rheumatism. It seems to be clear that the doctor said the pain didn’t come from rheumatism. But, what was said by the doctor beside that? This point is vague no matter how many times I may read the letter carefully. The doctor might have not said to such an extent that tuberculosis bacilli had begun invading the spinal marrow of Shiki’s body. But, in my guess, the things close to it was said or suggested by the doctor at that time.
Truly, on the same day, there is another letter sent by him to his uncle Ohara Tsunenori. In the letter Shiki notified his uncle of the doctor’s diagnosis results in short, and it didn’t contain Shiki’s emotion toward literature shown in the letter to Kyoshi.
Reading the letter sent to Kyoshi at this time, I understand Shiki’s mental anguish very much. Nevertheless, even in such a hard time, Shiki kept calmness in his mind and never collapsed. What is written at the end of the main text of the letter to Kyoshi was:

― I would like the accompanying text to be read and laughed away.
Yours truly.―

Shiki issued these words considering others’ feeling, which shows his kind character.
Shiki wrote a letter only to Kyoshi except for Ohara Tsunenori at that time. This is a natural thing to Shiki, I think.

「右(みぎ)等(ら)の事総(すべ)て俗人に言うなかれ 天機(てんき)遺漏(いろう)の恐れあり あなかしこ」
「別紙御一笑(ごいっしょう)に供え候 怱々(そうそう)不一(ふいつ)」
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