awful zebra crossing(恐怖の横断歩道)

2006年03月15日 17時31分16秒 | 近況報告
Around this zebra crossing, strong wind is often blowing in winter season.I really think at that time tall trees must be planted near the seashore ,over this place toward the blue sky in this photo, preventing strong winds here. On such a strong wind blowing, most people bend their bodies forward to facilitate their walking. Such is the case, I name this spot a awful zebra crossing. At the neaby facility ,Sunport Hall, the first Takamatsu International Piano Competition is to be held from late this week. The competion last until March 26. Some 60 young player,who are eager to become a great pianist,from all over the world, participate in it. I am going to participate in voluntary-interpretor works.
I will put some article concernig this event later.
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