from today's Nikkei

2008年10月06日 11時40分31秒 | 新聞記事から
「景気悪化」94%に急増 米危機響く 「1年内に回復」5割 地方「悪化」3割→8割に

According to the data of the survey named "Questionnare to One Hundred Presidents" conducted and on Sunday compiled by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun,
the respondents who replied "The economy is deteorating" accounted for more than 90 % (94%),which means a sharp triple increase over the previous figure in June.In response to a emergency survey also, which was conducted on Friday by the newspaper company in the wake of a sudden stock price plunge,the respondents who said "Negative effects have already appeared" for their own management due to the U.S. financial crisis reached nearly 60% of all respondents.Also,according to the data of the survey " 500 Questions on Local Economy" conducted at the same time with "Questionnare to One Hundred Presidents," about 80% of all the respondents returned the answer of "deterioration of the economy." The figure of 80% was a very large increase from the previous 30 %.
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