from today's Nikkei

2008年02月26日 05時38分24秒 | 新聞記事から
住宅用蓄電池 シャープ・大和ハウス提携 太陽光発電を有効利用 大日本印刷も開発参加 09年度にも量産

Sharp Corporation will have an alliance with each of Daiwa House Industry Co.,Ltd. and Dai Nippon Printing Co.,Ltd in jointly developing the household-use battery able to store the power generated by solar electricity generation system. According to the plan,they intend to start mass-producing lithium ion-typed specific batteries in fiscal 2009.This will lead to the expansion of solar power generation and the reduction of carbon dioxide emission in the household.The deal this time is the affiliation of the companies from different business sectors,among Sharp,a world major company as solar power generation equipment maker, Daiwa House,a domestic top house maker,and other,aiming at the energy-usage change in the household for the purpose of serving as a measure against global warming.
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