
2009年10月30日 11時39分10秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
This photo is of Hanamizuki, taken at Dogo Park in Matsuyam. The flower's English name is "Flowering dogwood," and its scientific name is "Benthamedia florida." As its scientific name implys, the flower comes from America.In 1912 Tokyo city presented cherry trees of someiyoshino,whose scientific name is "Prunus × yodoensis" (×has a meaning here) to Washington D.C.

It is a famous stort that people can see beautiful cherry blossoms of someiyoshino at the Potomac River's bank in spring.

In respense to the Tokyo's kindness, flowering dogwood trees were presented to Tokyo city by Washington D.C. It was the first appearance of the flower in Japan. Today we can see them at many places around the country.
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