from today's Nikkei

2007年04月21日 13時04分14秒 | 新聞記事から
景気拡大「1年以上続く」44%に増加 消費回復、半数が認識 米景気減速を懸念82%
According to a survey dubbed " Presidents 100 Persons Questionnaire" compiled by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, 87% of all the respondents replied that Japan's economy was expanding.The figure,80% is a slight decline from the previous 90% ( December,2006),but sentiments of many business executives are optimistic.Those responding that economic expansion will continue for more than one year came to be 44%,up from the previous survey's 35%.And the recognition that consumer spending is expanding also is shared by nearly half respondents.Meanwhile, 82% of respondents are concerned about the U.S. economy's getting down.

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