Masaoka Shiki's words

2009年05月27日 18時07分03秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
―The talks stopped. The evening sun had already gone down behind
woods and it had been getting dark. There was no one around with only crows flying back to the woods in Ueno in tandem with a flight of wild geese. Without a word, I began walking for my home. Kyoshi also left the streets. Even in usual time I am slow in walking, and now slower I became. When I came to Uguisu-yoko-cho with my arms put in the clothes, tears appeared on my eyes. From now on I have nothing to do with Kyoshi no matter whether he may prosper or decline. Nevertheless, why does this tear appear and what does this tear lament for? Ah…. you, honest,…tears!―

「咄(はなし)談話(だんわ)は途絶(とだえ)えたり 夕陽うしろの木の間に落ちて遠村模(えんそんも)湖(こ)の裡(うち)に没し去り、只晩(ばん)鴉(あ)の雁群(がんぐん)と前後して上野に帰るあるのみ 一語なくして家に帰る 虚子路より去る さらでも遅き歩(あゆみ)は更に遅くなりぬ 懐手(ふところで)のままぶらぶらと鶯横町に来る時小生が眼中には一点の涙を浮かべぬ 今後虚子は栄ゆるとも衰ふるとも我とは何等(なんら)の関係もあらず 去れども涙は何を悲しんでか浮かびでたる。嗚呼(ああ)正直なる者は涙也」
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