from today's Nikkei

2009年04月30日 14時17分17秒 | 新聞記事から
日中、予防対策で協力 新型インフル 首相会談 6カ国協議、早期に 羽田ー北京に定期便 チャーター

Prime Minister Taro Aso arrived at Beijing for his official visit to China on Wednesday and met with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao at the Great Hall of the People.The two premiers reached an agreement on the issue of taking necessary measures for preventing so-called swine flue epidemic from spreading further.Specifically, the two countries will cooperate with each other in sharing information and intensifying quarantine procedures.Regarding the North Korea problem, the two confirmed the two countries' shared stance that North Korea should come back to the six-party talks and then the talks should be resumed as soon as possible.Another agreement is that the regularly scheduled charter flight service will be established between Haneda and Beijing in October this year.
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