rice farming

2009年10月05日 11時27分41秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
This photo was taken at the place near my house.There is a small paddy field. Around late June rice seedlings were planted there.Since then about about three minths have passed. By the middle of October,I think, rice will have been cropped.The timing of rice planting and its cropping varies from place to place. There are many paddy fields around here where rice cropping has already been finished.

Anyway, what I want to say here is, what is called, the benifit of nature.In other words, the blessing from God to us.

From the time humans planted rice seedlings to the time they crop the rice, there is almost no heavy works done by humans except for the irrigation of water. There is not any one.If the sun shines with water properly irrigated, after about three and a half months from rice planting, humans, we, Japanese people, can get a good harvest of rice.

In my thought, there is no word but the blessing from God to us in explaining about this situation.
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