共済年金資産運用 資産構成「厚生」と統一 厚労省 外国株・債権にシフト
The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has begun deliberating on how to shift the investment item ratios of the Mutual Annuity fund to the so-called " basic portfolio ratio",which is the targeted goal of the employees' pension schemes funds.According to the idea,they will make this change gradually over the period of ten years from now. They will likely shift the investment to forein companie's shares and bonds away from conventional domestic ones in order to raise profitability.
The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has begun deliberating on how to shift the investment item ratios of the Mutual Annuity fund to the so-called " basic portfolio ratio",which is the targeted goal of the employees' pension schemes funds.According to the idea,they will make this change gradually over the period of ten years from now. They will likely shift the investment to forein companie's shares and bonds away from conventional domestic ones in order to raise profitability.