from today's Nikkei

2009年05月10日 10時33分28秒 | 新聞記事から
プーチン・ロシア首相会見 対日関係、経済を最優先 自動車工場 極東に建設期待 領土問題には慎重 「独創的アプローチ」触れず

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin had a joint interview with Japanese media of The Nihon Keizai Shimbun,Kyodo News and NHK,or Japan Broacasting Corporation,ahead of his vist to Japan scheduled to begin on Monday.

He expressed his expectation that projects like automobile plant building by a Japanese company in the Far East area are very favorable for Russia, saying that he will submit to Japn a list of economic cooperation projects Russia can give its support to during his visit.

On the other hand,regarding the northern territories issue, he said that Russia is ready to have talks for it,but did not referred to the so-called "creative approach" for the settlement,which the two countries' heads agreed in the February summit meeting.

This will mean that Russia is willing to put the first priority on economic relations with Japan for a time being instead of on the territorial issue,especially in the premier's visit to Japan this time.
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