from today's Nikkei

2008年02月05日 14時19分29秒 | 新聞記事から
定年再雇用の待遇改善 勤務体系も柔軟に 有能な人材確保 コマツ、最大で年収2倍 大成建設、短時間でOK

Among companies which have introduced the employee rehiring system after their mandatory retirement, the movement that they improve the working conditions for such rehired people and make a full use of their competence has been spreading.Specifically,Komatsu,a construction machinery maker,has raised the maximum annual salary up to the 10 million yen level,which is double that in the time before the revision.And at Taisei,a general contractor, a short-time work, such as the one of five hours a day, would be possible,from the spring next year.These are signs of measures and efforts of companies in order to secure competent human resources amid the declining population of workers due mainly to the decling birthrate and aging Japan is now facing.
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