from today's Nikkei

2006年11月01日 09時37分38秒 | 新聞記事から
6カ国協議近く再開 北京で非公式高官協議 米中朝が合意 金融制裁で作業部会
Top-ranking officials from the U.S., China and North Korea unofficially held meeting in Beijin on October 31, and reached an agreement to have the 6-party talks soon, with a subcommittee scheduled to be set up for dealing with U.S.'s financial sanctions against North Korea.

展望リポート 物価上昇幅 次第に拡大 利上げ巡り 日銀総裁「遅くも早くもなく」
The Bank of Japan released the so-called "Prospect Report" predicting the future outlook of economy and prices on October 31. The report says that increase rates of consumer price over the each previous year will become bigger year by year. And in the report, the goverrnor, Toshihiko Fukui, says that another interest rate increase will be decided at the proper time when it is neither too early nor too late.

「補修50回」軸に調整 履修漏れ救済で政府・与党
The government and ruling parties have entered their final negotiatin stage in workiing out the relief plan for a lot of high school overlooking giving their students required lessons for students ' graduating from their high schools next spring. The mainstream idea there is that giving students supplementary classes 50 times is reqired.

U.S. Undersecretary of State Christopher Hill said at a press conference in Beijin on October 33 that the 6-party talks will be reopened within the period of November on the unconditional basis.

オリンパス製品のソフト開発 日本IBMに委託 コスト半分程度に
Olympus (Corporation ) decided to commit IBM Japan to develop software related to that installed in the company-made digital camera. This deal will make the cost about half the present one.
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