from today's Nikkei

2011年07月18日 19時38分25秒 | 新聞記事から
小売、東北に大量出店 復興消費持続見込む ミニストップ3年で100店 ヤマダ電機前年の2倍

Recently it has been learned that many major retailors have a very positive attitude toward opening new shops in the Tohoku region devastated by the March earthquake and tsunami. Among convinience store operators,Ministop Co.,Ltd. has a plan to open three times more new shops than before the earthquake and FamiliMart Co.,Ltd. also will open five times more new shops.Among the home electronics retailors Yamada-Denki Co. intends to newly open 15 to 20 shops,which are almost double those last year.

Althoug the population is declining in the Tohoku and municipalities's reconstruction plans seem to fall behind the schedule, consumption for recovery of people's lives is believed to last long. This is why many comnapnies are increasing their investment there.
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