from today's Nikkei

2007年07月27日 09時15分11秒 | 新聞記事から
原発耐震基準 強化へ 大事故の確率 開示義務付け 原子力安全委 老朽設備、大幅補強も
Japan's Nuclear Safety Commission has decided on Thursday that it will revise the nuclear power plant earthquake-resistance satndards,which was decided last year.This decision came after the severe damages at the Kashiwazaki-kariwa nuclear power plant of Tepco,caused by the recent Niigata Prefecture Chuetsu Offshore Earthquake.The tremor there at the time was more than expected.This gave a serious shock to the people concerend.The new satndards likely will oblige the operators of neclear power plants to disclose the possibility that a big accident occurs.And also, the operators are forced to implement several measures for strengthening decrepit(old) facilities to be sufficient for the new satndards.
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