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イギリスMBA|Global Society and Responsible Management (GSRM) - The Lancaster MBA

2012-01-23 | Lancaster MBA 2011 / 2012




Global Society and Responsible Management (GSRM)

GSRM includes a wide range of topics, such as climate change, poverty and sustainable business activities with responsibility for society. The problem of the huge gap between rich countries and poor countries is particularly controversial. Our group analysed the policy document of ‘Environmental and Energy Sustainability: An Approach for India’.

This policy document discusses the high pressure on Indian energy security. India expects 7.5 per cent growth per annum, GDP of USD 4 trillion with 1.5 billion population until 2030. It proposes several solutions for sustainable growth with reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions. It focuses on five areas: clean power, energy efficient industries, green transportation, sustainable habitats and agriculture. We analysed the proposed actions at national, organizational and individual levels, and found several management imperatives. For example: 1) formulate environmental policy 2) redefine and realign corporate governance and business models 3) measure social, environmental, economic (triple-bottomline) impact and risk, and 4) invest in strategic projects, forecast long-term social and environmental implications. However, these suggestions are too optimistic and display an over-simplistic view of the future and its needs. Balancing economic growth with environmental improvement is the biggest challenge that India faces.


From this activity I realized that sustainable growth, not only in India but also in developing countries, is quite a challenging quest for organizations around the globe. If the organizations only focus on their own targets, the security of energy and food will soon collapse. We may need to consider freedom of choice, reduction of market size or elimination of luxury goods, rather than focus simply on growth with its accompanying huge consumption of resources.


写真上、中 ランカスターより車で約20分のモアカム(Morecambe)の海岸 下 ランカスター大学キャンパスより

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