Happyヨーロッパ移住|The Lancaster MBA



2024-06-02 | Happyヨーロッパ移住
The English translation follows the Japanese text.








Malta 8 Years On: It's Still Wonderful!

It's been eight years since I moved to Malta, and 18 years since my first overseas relocation to Hong Kong in 2007. In the intervening years, I obtained an MBA in the UK and lived in dynamic Shanghai before finally settling in Malta.

Malta When I First Arrived
When I arrived in Malta in 2016, the main roads were still bumpy, and construction cranes dominated the skyline. Properties in popular areas were quickly sold out, making it challenging to purchase directly from developers. Instead, I had to buy from owners who had acquired properties for resale purposes. Fortunately, this investment turned out to be highly successful.

Economic Aspects
The cost of living has become slightly tougher due to inflation and the weakening yen. However, I was fortunate to purchase property shortly after arriving, which has since increased in value by about 1.5 times. Including the effect of the weaker yen, this translates to approximately doubling in value. If I were to sell now, I could cover the living expenses of the past eight years. As planned, choosing Malta as my new home was a successful decision.

Transforming Cityscape
The streets of Malta have become increasingly beautiful, with the main roads now well-maintained, making island travel much easier. Over the past eight years, the population has grown from 450,000 to approximately 550,000, a 22% increase, largely due to immigration. This population growth underscores Malta's appeal and ongoing development.

Stable Property Market
I had concerns about the rapid development of flats potentially causing a property market crash, but these fears proved unfounded. The property market has remained stable, providing a sound return on investment.

Moving to Malta has been a financially rewarding decision. The improved infrastructure, population growth, and stable property market reflect Malta's ongoing progress. I continue to enjoy life here and look forward to further developments.

For anyone considering relocation, Malta is an excellent choice. The island's allure, including its economic advantages, is evident. I am grateful for my life in Malta and excited about what the future holds.

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