Happyヨーロッパ移住|The Lancaster MBA


FT グローバルMBAランキング 2016

2016-01-26 | Lancaster MBA 2011 / 2012
2016年 フィナンシャル・タイムズ グローバルMBAランキング



写真上、ランカスター大学の入口 写真下、マネジメントスクールが使っていた建物

FTグローバルMBAランキング 2016(英文)はこちら







イギリスの1年制MBAに興味のある方は、過去の記事「Lancaster MBA 2011/2012」をご覧ください。また、どんな準備をしたかはMBA準備を参考にしてみてください。


自分の大学時代は遊ぶ事に一生懸命で勉強する暇なんてありませんでした。アルバイト、サークル活動、コンパ、クラブ、パーティー、テニス、スキー、ゴルフ、サーフィン、ウィンドサーフィン... あげればキリがありません。若者にはやる事が多すぎます。日本の一流と呼ばれる大学を卒業してすぐにイギリスに渡り大学院受験準備をするものの、数々の誘惑に負け断念していく若者を見てきました。そういう意味では、大人になってからの方が勉強に集中出来るという不思議なメリットがあります。改めて振返って見ると、我ながら「良くやったなぁ~」と関心します。

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2013-04-30 | Lancaster MBA 2011 / 2012




Centre People
135 Cannon Street, London EC4N 5BP
Tel 020 7929 5551

JAC Recruitment
3rd Floor, 40-42 Cannon Street, London EC4N 6JJ
Tel 020 7489 2990




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イギリスMBA|Graduation (卒業式) - The Lancaster MBA

2012-12-19 | Lancaster MBA 2011 / 2012





さて話は変わりますが、このブログもテーマであったイギリス、ランカスターMBAも修了し次のテーマを考えています。まだはっきりとは決めていないのですが、ブログタイトル通り初心者ゴルファーの「リンクスゴルフ挑戦の旅」とテリトリーをイギリスからお隣のフランスに拡大し「フランスワイン探究の旅」を綴ろうと思っています。またランカスターMBA (2012/2013)の様子は引続き今年の学生のYBさんが書かれているので参考にして頂ければと思います。

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イギリスMBA|The Lancaster MBA(おまけ)

2012-11-24 | Lancaster MBA 2011 / 2012










Lancaster House
Green Lane
Ellel, Lancaster
Tel: 08458 509 508
Callers from outside of the UK please use;
+44 (0)1524 844822


The Stork Inn
Corricks Lane
Condor Green
Tel: 01524 751234
Fax: 01524 752660

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イギリスMBA|The Lancaster MBA 2011/2012 まとめ

2012-09-29 | Lancaster MBA 2011 / 2012


9月3日、4日の 'The Capstone Event' をもって私のイギリス、ランカスターMBAは修了しました。昨年の10月から約11ヶ月間のグループワークとレポートに追われる日々からやっと解放されました。振返ればあっという間の一年間で、去年の今と比べて何がどれだけ変わったのかは余り明確ではありませんが、何が足りないのかがはっきりしてきました。ランカスターで強調されていたのは「リーダーシップ(指導力・統率力)」と「クリティカル・シンキング(批判的思考)」で一年かけてやったぐらいではなかなか身に付かないと思いますが、生涯の課題として引続き取り組んで行こうと考えています。


The most tough and valuable experience of the MBA programme has been to develop leadership skills when working with groups of various ages and ethnic backgrounds. At the beginning of the course, managing and controlling how the group worked, and finding a consensus was time-consuming and full of difficulties. Some students did not appear on time and prefer to meet in the evening. The style of argument also varied. For example, Japanese people generally focus on time efficiency and respect other people’s opinions, while some of the other group members spoke first and did not listen to the other classmates’ opinions. Thus, the outcomes of group-work were not excellent despite taking a lot of time.


However, due to improvements in the process and the outcomes of group work, I have learnt leadership skills, including how to manage people from different backgrounds efficiently. I had to express my own opinion more clearly and logically compared to a similar situation in Japan, as Japanese people prefer to see a modest attitude. Leadership ability in multicultural situations is crucial for working in a global business environment. Acknowledgement of the differences between Western culture and Eastern culture give a deeper understanding of key issues, which global companies need to solve.

To be a mindful manager, based on my crucial experiences during the MBA programme, I will focus on enhancing my leadership skills in different circumstances, and develop my capability to train and educate subordinates. At the same time, I will endeavour to select the most suitable theories, concepts and models into real complicated business problems in order to make them simple and clear, and lead with practical solutions for each organisation.



Summer Term (16 Apr - 4 Sep) 3学期 アサインメント

・Case Exam(ケース・スタディーをもとにしたテスト):サマータームの初めに続けて2回(持込可)各3h
・Mindful Manager:グループ・クリスタリゼーション(2,500w)、個人リーダーシップ・エッセー(2,000w)、ブログ 4回

・Risk & Crisis Management:ケースをもとにしたエッセー(3,000w)
・Fund Management:指定されたファンドの分析(A4レポート10枚程度)
・Strategic Brand Management:任意に選んだブランドの分析(3,000w)

・Corporate Challenge:コンサルタンシー・プロジェクト(リーボックを担当)クライアントに対する提案書作成(PPスライド60p+Appendix20pで提出)プレゼンテーション + 個人のリフレクティブ・エッセー(7,000w)

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イギリスMBA|Strategic Brand Management - The Lancaster MBA

2012-08-04 | Lancaster MBA 2011 / 2012




写真下3枚 マンチェスター中心部から約30分のストックポートにあるReebok UK にて


Before studying de Chernatony’s article on strategic brand management, I did not have any useful tools of how to create, develop and evaluate a brand. As a consumer, to save time and avoid making a poor choice, I used to choose brands spontaneously without a careful evaluation of the products or services, although I did have some experience of luxury brands management at a department store in Japan.

Without deep analysis, I felt branded products or services which usually have a good reputation and a relatively long corporate culture and history are better than general ones, which do not have a unique character. When I managed the luxury brands at the department store, I mainly focused on store management including financial management, staff management, staff training and merchandise control rather than specific brand management.


However, after taking the strategic brand management module, I have begun to view the concept of brands from both external and internal perspectives. The process for building and sustaining brands, explaining the key issues and considering their applications gave me ideas of how to evaluate the brand instead of only relying on instinct and habit. It also taught me the importance of corporate culture, including a strong concurrence between a brand’s values, the organization’s values and employees’ values, which provides a critical role for a mindful manager.

Fortunately, at my final consultancy project ('corporate challenge'), our team could try to create a clear and strong message, looking at Reebok as a fitness brand for consumers, in order to differentiate its added values against competitors in the UK market. We could adopt the most suitable types of theories and models, which we have completed not only in brand management but also marketing, strategy and operation management into real business situations. It will help us to analyze complicated situations into simple elements and develop a clear and efficient strategic business plan for the client.


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イギリスMBA|Finance Exam - The Lancaster MBA

2012-07-08 | Lancaster MBA 2011 / 2012


今回の記事はその内のファイナンスの追試について。ファイナンスの試験は1月のクリスマス・ホリデー明けにあり、見事に山がはずれ再試験に。実際のところ、よく理解できていなかったので復習する機会ができて良かったと前向きに捉えています。使用したテキストは「Principles of Corporate Finance 10E」で、日本語翻訳版の「コーポレートファイナンス(上・下)第8版」を併用して勉強しました。ただ翻訳版はほぼ直訳に近いので意味不明の箇所が散見され、文系のファイナンスが苦手な人にも分かるようにもう少し丁寧な解説があれば良いと感じました。



Finance Exam

Thanks to a resits finance exam, I have a chance to study finance seriously and properly. When I took the finance exam in January I could not prepare well due to suffering from jetlag - it's a 12 hour flight from Japan and there is an 8 hour time difference. Before studying Finance as part of the MBA programme, I did not have confidence in my decision-making for investments in assets outside of Japan, as the variation of instruments vary greatly, and the rules differ slightly. Therefore I relied heavily on the opinions of relationship managers who were working at investment banks, and tried to find reasonable explanations. However, in hindsight I can see that their perspectives were sometimes biased by their institutions’ operation strategies, which at times tended to affect negatively the outcomes of investments.


During preparation for the exam in June, I had to revise a large number of formulas and definitions, many of which seemed irrelevant to daily life. The process was tough as I had worked in finance more than fifteen years ago, and my way of thinking was slightly different to the usual Japanese style. However, due to being given a second chance to study and prepare, my understanding has become better compared to the first time.


After preparation for the exam I realized finance is quite helpful for future asset value evaluation, especially when examining pension plans and asset returns of a portfolio. A study of finance also delivered investment appraisal such as the time-value of money and the assessment and control of risk. At the same time, studying finance is significant for diversified investment, insurance and corporate finance. In addition, it offered essential knowledge for Fund Management, which I have chosen as one of my elective modules.


As a result, taking in what I have learnt from the Fund Management module, I will be able to judge which investment has a future value and/or which relationship manager has the capability to evaluate future value in asset allocation by my own examination, instead of relying primarily on intuition, investment experience, and assessments of third parties.

写真 上3枚、ランカスター大学正面入口近くの池周辺 下、学生寮(左の建物)周辺の眺め

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イギリスMBA|Risk, Crisis and Continuity Management - The Lancaster MBA

2012-06-11 | Lancaster MBA 2011 / 2012




Toyota Crisis Management

On February 8, 2011, the long-awaited US government investigation of Toyota’s unintended acceleration was published. The report indicated no link between electric throttles and unintended acceleration in Toyota vehicles. It stated that the problems, which included mechanical defects, were fixed in previous recalls. The report also gave credence to the argument that the government, media and other entities may have blown the crisis out of proportion. Before reading about the case, I did not know the outcome of a series of recalls of Toyota vehicles. Toyota clearly made a huge mistake in its initial pre-crisis response, in ignoring consumers' voices related to the safety of their vehicles. Safety should be stated as a first priority instead of market share or profitability. However, I totally misunderstood the Toyota crisis, which was mainly caused by the US government and media’s overstating of the facts without a detailed investigation.


Toyota recalled 55,000 vehicles for floor mats that ran the risk of sliding forward and trapping the gas pedal. This issue became a public concern in August 2009 when an accident was caused by a Lexus which had accelerated out of control. The mistake of Toyota’s crisis management was in the pre-crisis stage of unintended acceleration in the fall of 2007. A lack of response or no action of the issue made an international consumer safety, financial and public relations disaster. If Toyota had recognized or/and acknowledged the issue earlier, they would have dealt with the problem easily, preventing other unnecessary recalls and extensive media awareness. They may have lost their sense of operational balance and fell victim to the arrogance of their success and power. In addition, appropriate information systems, planning procedures, and decision-making techniques would be the heart of this exercise.

In short, a slow initial pre-crisis response, poor communication with the public about the problem, and too little compassion and concern for consumers caused the crisis. Toyota is now working on a process to engage the voice of stakeholders all over the world to inform corporate leaders in a timely manner of potential problems. Toyota is also creating a new corporate position for product safety. These activities will help to restore Toyota’s reputation and ensure a healthier finance future.

This incident can be a valuable lesson in teaching the importance of humility for improvement of corporate activity and operation management, while corporate arrogance may have become the assassin of the company’s recognized success.

写真上2枚 ランカスターから車で約1時間のカンブリア州のバロー・イン・ファーネス
Irish Sea from Barrow-in-Furness

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イギリスMBA|Mindful Group Crystallisations - The Lancaster MBA

2012-05-08 | Lancaster MBA 2011 / 2012

ランカスターMBAではプログラムの中にマインドフル・マネジャーという唯一通年の科目があります。その一環として指定された2部のアカデミック・ジャーナルを読んでグループでのクリスタリゼーション(日本語に上手く訳せませんが「要約」)4回が、課題になっています。話題はマネジャー育成に際してのビジネススクールの役割、意義や存在価値についてが中心になっています。その4回の要約のそのまた要約が今回お話しする課題(Mindful Group Crystallisations)です。


写真はLancaster University Management School (LUMS)から徒歩20分程度の所にあるforrest hills(ゴルフとフィッシングが出来る)の池で発見した白鳥の巣と卵です。先週末はここでマインドフル・マネジャーの課外授業が行われました。


Mindful Group Crystallisations

Though the four crystallizations of Mindful Manager’s module, which we have completed as group work during term one and two, I realized a number of problems which business school programmes had and still have. For example, the success of causal theory and liberalism led to short-term prosperity in capitalized markets, but have also led to the development of a huge gap between rich and poor. All the scientific rationalism also created knowledge boundaries and marginalization of non-rationalistic thought. In contrast, the emergence of the Aristotelian concept of ‘how should one live?’ offers a shift from abstract to concrete, from scientific rationalism to Aristotle’s view which includes management as a political concept, requiring deliberative decision-making in a ‘VUCA’ world which reflect on the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of general conditions and situations.

“Knowledge of Machiavelli’s work and Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics would serve managers better than familiarity with the contents of academic texts. Skilled in metis managers must become, and phronomoi they must strive to be ” (Lenny, 2011). It is a big mistake to forget about historic approaches when attempting clear management - when we consider the concepts developed by ancient philosophers such as Aristotle, we can see how valuable they remain. In fact, Aristotle’s work provides key concepts for the current development in management and provides a stimulus for future activity. In particular, the idea of contextuality is a key aspect of Aristotle’s “Nichomachean Ethics”, in which he demonstrated Phronesis as the practical knowledge component of the three types of knowledge he had identified: 1) Episteme : the scientific knowledge that helps us to judge universal and necessary things 2) Techne : the craft knowledge that is about how to make things 3) Phronesis : practical wisdom and the practice of moral virtues. The combination of these three types of knowledge are the basis for an individual to achieve ‘Eudaimonai’ well-being.


By developing a harmonious balance of knowledge with one’s instincts, creativity and emotions, limitations of representational knowledge create deep awareness about an ambiguous situation. Craving public acceptance for our work also sets the scope of our work to ‘limited accepted knowledge’ and thereby reduces our ability to produce great works. Hence, selfishly seeking perfection and questioning the fundamentals will set us in the path towards wisdom. Wisdom can be learned from practical experience rather than books. It is also not only learning everything but also understanding the limits of one’s knowledge. Wisdom is a form of learned ignorance. Therefore, learning the concepts, which developed by ancient philosophers may be useful in terms of what is a key aspect for managing business, organization and human life.

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イギリスMBA|The Lancaster MBA(レント・タームまとめ)

2012-04-22 | Lancaster MBA 2011 / 2012
The Lancaster MBA(レント・タームまとめ)


<Lancaster MBA 2011/2012 Lent term>





Mindful Manager:クリスタリゼーション(ジャーナル2本のまとめ)2回、ブログ 3回
Kevin Roberts Session:英国広告代理店 SAATCHI & SAATCHI CEOに対してグループ・プレゼンテーション 2回
Global Society and Responsible Management (GSRM):
グループ・プレゼンテーション、個人アサインメント(3,000 word)
Strategy:グループ・レポート & プレゼンテーション
Economics:個人アサインメント (1,000 word)
Leading Change:個人アサインメント (2,500 word)
Consultancy Challenge:グループ・レポート & プレゼンテーション
International Module:個人アサインメント (3,000 word)
Managing IT in Organisation (MITO):個人アサインメント (2,500 word)


写真上、LT3 毎日ここでレクチャーが行われます。写真下、南側の学生寮の隣の丘には羊が放牧されていてのどかな景色が広がります。


4月20日(金)には湖水地方のホテルでランカスターMBA Ball(パーティー)が行われました。(写真下)


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