Happyヨーロッパ移住|The Lancaster MBA


イギリスMBA|The Lancaster MBA(レント・タームまとめ)

2012-04-22 | Lancaster MBA 2011 / 2012
The Lancaster MBA(レント・タームまとめ)


<Lancaster MBA 2011/2012 Lent term>





Mindful Manager:クリスタリゼーション(ジャーナル2本のまとめ)2回、ブログ 3回
Kevin Roberts Session:英国広告代理店 SAATCHI & SAATCHI CEOに対してグループ・プレゼンテーション 2回
Global Society and Responsible Management (GSRM):
グループ・プレゼンテーション、個人アサインメント(3,000 word)
Strategy:グループ・レポート & プレゼンテーション
Economics:個人アサインメント (1,000 word)
Leading Change:個人アサインメント (2,500 word)
Consultancy Challenge:グループ・レポート & プレゼンテーション
International Module:個人アサインメント (3,000 word)
Managing IT in Organisation (MITO):個人アサインメント (2,500 word)


写真上、LT3 毎日ここでレクチャーが行われます。写真下、南側の学生寮の隣の丘には羊が放牧されていてのどかな景色が広がります。


4月20日(金)には湖水地方のホテルでランカスターMBA Ball(パーティー)が行われました。(写真下)


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イギリスMBA|International Business in Prague - The Lancaster MBA

2012-04-10 | Lancaster MBA 2011 / 2012




写真上 カレル橋周辺、下 旧市庁舎の塔


International Business in Prague

Prague in the Czech Republic is a well-maintained historical city in Central Europe. It is famous for tourism, principally for its cultural heritage, cuisine and arts. In particular, Bohemian glass and the city's breweries are popular around the world. We visited several local organizations such as My department store of Tesco, the Skoda Volkswagen (VW) production facility and the Kozel Brewery in order to examine their businesses.


Skoda is one of the biggest companies, representing the Czech car manufacturing industry, and it has more than 100 years of history. Their revenue consists 4% of Czech Republic GDP and 7.5% of its exports. After the Velvet Revolution in 1989, Skoda was privatized and its management invited foreign investors. As a result, it was acquired by the VW group in 1991, who offer support for marketing, sales and R&D. Skoda continuously focuses on conservatively-designed family cars, which have plenty of space and represent value for money. The Skoda-branded cars share engines, platforms and interiors with VW and Audi. Its problems are a lack of competitive advantages in the EU and a shortage of a skilled work force, who require technical education.

写真上 旧市街の眺め、下 旧市街広場


I realized that transformation from communism to capitalism is difficult for citizens in the Czech Republic. Especially, elderly people still rue the absence of a spirit of helpfulness. However, the country has various aspects of cultural heritage, such as its glassworks, beers, castles and churches for tourism. Elderly people’s experience and skills are key aspects for integrating traditional craftworks and modern technologies. The Czech economy needs to activate their expertise to improve several industries, in order to gain a unique competitive advantage in the global market.


写真上下 コゼル・ビール、ここのラガーはすごく美味しかった。


After this trip we had a reflective assignment, which integrated the theories and experiences gathered in Prague. In this assignment I discussed my concrete experience at My department store of Tesco, the Skoda VW production facility and the Kozel Brewery. It was the first time for me to visit a former communist country, and I was struck by several discoveries, such as the different segmentation of department stores, the highly-developed automobile factory, and probably the best beer around the world. However, most organizations are still struggling with the change of regime after the revolution. Bowman’s Strategy Clock and concept of strategic drift helped in analyzing the Czech Republic’s situation. Skoda, Kozel and the majority of the Czech Republic’s organizations might have similar strategic drift issues. A comparison of Japan and Czech Republic’s industries, culture, history and ideology also improved my understanding of the experience. In addition, combining theories and real experience in a different environment gave practical and applicable knowledge for future business plans.


写真上 プラハ城夜景

今回の写真は全てコンパクト・デジタルカメラ(Canon PowerShot S95)使用

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